About this Abstract |
Meeting |
2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
High Performance Steels
Presentation Title |
Modeling the Tensile Behavior of Martensitic Low-alloy Steels Accounting of Microstructural Heterogeneities |
Author(s) |
Juan Agustin Macchi, Guillaume Geandier, Julien Teixeira, Sabine Denis, Frédéric Bonnet, Sébastien Allain |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Juan Agustin Macchi |
Abstract Scope |
Martensite is a key component of advanced high strength steels and the main constituent of pressed hardened steels. This phase is formed upon cooling from the austenite by a displacive sequential transformation inducing heterogeneities of local dislocation densities, domain sizes, C segregation/precipitations states and internal stresses. In this work, those microstructural distributions have been characterized by in situ High Energy XRD experiments for determining the distribution of dislocation densities and by EBSD analysis for the domain sizes in three low-carbon martensitic steels. By considering the local recovery kinetics, the internal stresses relaxation as well as by coupling a new developed and calibrated precipitation model, we developed micromechanical model which is able to predict the tensile behavior of as-quenched as well as tempered states for low-carbon (between 0.1 and 0.3 wt.%C) martensitic steels. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Planned: |
Keywords |
Mechanical Properties, Modeling and Simulation, Phase Transformations |