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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Frontiers of Materials Award Symposium: Radiation Processing of Materials
Presentation Title Probing and Processing Nanomaterials and Devices with Radiation
Author(s) Cory D. Cress
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Cory D. Cress
Abstract Scope Radiation sources and beams lines provide an effective means for systematically probing extrinsic and intrinsic disorder effects in nanomaterials and nanoelectronic devices. Through a series of 60Co radiation effects studies, I will show how extrinsic disorder, such as trapped-charges in dielectrics, influence the electrical performance of carbon nanoelectronics devices. I will also discuss ion-beam induced intrinsic disorder effects, those that stem from defects within a material, using graphene and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) as the model material system. This discussion focuses on how dimensional confinement influences the radiation degradation rate and that the greater confinement in SWCNTs, than graphene, enhances their radiation tolerance. Beyond radiation effects characterization, ion-beam processing has wide applicability in modifying the structural and physical properties of nanomaterials. In particular, I will discuss novel work employing hyperthermal ions (5 – 350 eV) and He ions (20-30 keV) from a helium ion microscope, to substitutionally dope graphene (N ions), strain few-layer graphene with defects (Ar ions), and direct-write defects in transition-metal dichalcogenides and FeRh. To conclude, I will by outline the current challenges and vast prospects of this field.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: None Selected


Direct Prompt Synthesis of Radioactive Nanoparticles (Prompt Nano Radioisotopes)
Introductory Comments: Frontiers of Materials Award Symposium: Radiation Processing of Materials
Ionizing Radiation in the Synthesis and Processing of Nanocomposites for Medical and Environmental Applications
Ionizing Radiation Synthesis of Novel Fabrics for Extraction of Uranium from Seawater
Nanochannels, Nanowires, and Nanotubes Fabricated by Ion-track Nanotechnology
Probing and Processing Nanomaterials and Devices with Radiation
Radiation-grafting of Smart Polymers for Potential Biomedical Applications

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