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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Bio-Nano Interfaces and Engineering Applications
Presentation Title Detection of Limonene Using Graphene Field Effect Transistor Modified by Self-assembling Peptide
Author(s) Chishu Homma, Yoshiaki Sugizaki, Atsunobu Isobayashi, Yuhei Hayamizu
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Chishu Homma
Abstract Scope Graphene, a representative two-dimensional material, has excellent electronic properties due to its high mobility and specific surface area. Biosensors based on graphene field-effect transistor (GFET) are expected to be applied in various fields such as medical diagnosis, environmental monitoring, and security management. In this study, we developed a new technique to detect an odor molecule, which is relatively small and volatile. We utilized rationally designed peptides as a molecular scaffold and probe peptides on graphene surface. Then, we performed odor sensing with GFETs to detect limonene, a representative molecule for the smell of lemons. We successfully detected limonene with high sensitivity in an electrical manner. This work was supported by the Cabinet Office (CAO), Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP), “An intelligent knowledge processing infrastructure, integrating physical and virtual domains” (funding agency: NEDO).
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:


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Detection of Limonene Using Graphene Field Effect Transistor Modified by Self-assembling Peptide
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