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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Frontiers of Materials Award Symposium: Manufacturing Structural and Functional Materials with Complexity: Lessons from Nature
Presentation Title Recruiting Unicellular Algae for the Mass Production of Nanostructured Perovskites
Author(s) Igor Zlotnikov
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Igor Zlotnikov
Abstract Scope Functional capacities of lead halide perovskites are strongly dependent on their morphology, crystallographic texture, and internal ultrastructure. In the last decade, significant efforts are directed towards the development of novel synthesis routes that would overcome the morphological constraints provided by the physical properties of these materials. In contrast, various living organisms, such as unicellular algae, have the ability to mold biogenic crystals into a vast variety of intricate nano-architectured shapes while keeping their single crystalline nature. Here, using the cell wall of the dinoflagellate L. granifera as a model, sustainably harvested biogenic calcite is successfully transformed into nano-structured perovskites. Three variants of lead halide perovskites are generated, exhibiting emission peak-wavelength ranging from blue, to green, to near-infrared, respectively. The approach can be used for the mass production of nano-architectured perovskites with desired morphological, textural and, consequently, physical properties exploiting the numerous templates provided by calcite forming unicellular organisms.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided
Keywords Biomaterials, Process Technology, Phase Transformations


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