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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Printed Electronics and Additive Manufacturing: Functional Materials, Processing Techniques, and Emerging Applications
Presentation Title Direct 4D Printing of Stretchable Supercapacitors Using Hybrid Composite Materials
Author(s) Changyong C. Cao
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Changyong C. Cao
Abstract Scope Stretchable supercapacitors (SCs) have attracted significant attention in developing power-independent stretchable electronic systems due to their intrinsic energy storage function and unique mechanical properties. In this talk, we will present a facile method to fabricate arbitrary-shaped stretchable electrodes via direct 4D printing of conductive nanocomposite made of reduced graphene oxide (RGO), carbon nanotube (CNT), and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT: PSS). The electrode patterns of an arbitrary shape can be deposited onto prestretched substrates by aerosol jet printing, then self-organized origami (ridge) patterns are generated after releasing the substrates from holding stretchers due to the mismatched strains. The stretchable electrodes demonstrate superior mechanical robustness and stretchability without sacrificing its outstanding electrochemical performance. The proposed method paves avenues for scalable manufacturing of future energy-storage devices with controlled extensibility and high electrochemical performance.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Electronic Materials, Composites


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Development of a Metamaterial Honeycomb Structure for Radar Absorbing Materials
Direct 4D Printing of Stretchable Supercapacitors Using Hybrid Composite Materials
Direct Ink Writing of 3D Printed Graphene Based Electrodes Material for Supercapacitors
Evaluating the Electrical Properties of Thermally Decomposed Binders via Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy for Direct Ink Writing of Flexible Electronics
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Liquid Metal Inks for Printed Stretchable Electronics: Gallium Alloy Interactions with the Environment
Microreactor-assisted Nanomaterial Printing for Additive Manufacturing of Functional Materials and Devices
Miniaturizing Direct-write of Porous Graphene Lines by Combining Fiber Laser-induced Carbonization with Photoinitiator Printing
Multi-material Micromixing for On-demand Manufacture of Modular Soft Robotic Actuators
Multimaterial Dry Printing and Additive Nanomanufacturing of Flexible Hybrid Electronics and Sensors
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Photonic Sintering of Multiprinter Compatible Gold Nanomaterial Inks for Epidermal Electronics
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Reducing Variability Within Printed Electronics Through Process and Material Innovations
Standalone Stretchable Device Platform for Human Health Monitoring
Study & Analysis of Ring Assisted Electrohydrodynamic Jet (e-jet) Printing of Micro & Nano Structures
Synchrotron Nano-tomography and Coherent X-ray Scattering Investigation of 3D Printed Batteries
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Unconventional Materials and Device Architectures for Tomorrow’s System Needs
Wet Chemical Synthesis of Patterned Bismuth Ferrite Thin Films by Direct Writing (Printing) and Characterization Using Printed Electrodes

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