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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Mechanical Behavior of Lattice Structures Produced via AM
Presentation Title Predicting the Response of Additively Manufactured IN625 Thin-walled Elements
Author(s) Arunima Banerjee, Sara Messina , Jeff Rossin, Edwin J. Schwalbach, William D. Musinski, Paul A. Shade, Marie Elizabeth Cox, Mo-Rigen He, Tresa Pollock, Matthew Begley, Kevin J. Hemker
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Kevin J. Hemker
Abstract Scope Additive manufacturing has opened new pathways for the fabrication of materials and components with complex geometries. Predicting mechanical response of builds with traditional design tools is complicated by the inhomogeneity and anisotropy of the properties. This study aims to measure and understand the processing-dependent microstructure and mechanical response of thin-walled elements of Inconel 625 fabricated by powder bed printing. DIC strain mapping and finite element analysis is combined to study the effect of geometry, print conditions and location specific properties on the mechanical performance of T-shaped elements. The results indicate that plasticity is concentrated at the nodes of the elements and these nodes govern the overall deformation. Evidence of anisotropic plasticity is documented in as-built parts and EBSD analysis allows for characterization of underlying texture effects. The overarching goal of this study is to develop a methodology that allows for better design and modeling of additively manufactured thin walled structures.


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Predicting Interfacial Cracking between Solid and Lattice Support Structure during Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processing
Predicting the Response of Additively Manufactured IN625 Thin-walled Elements
Process-Aware Design of Additively Manufactured Lattice Structures
Residual Stress Mitigation in Lattice Structures Built by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Tailoring Hierarchical Material Performance Through Process Manipulation

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