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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Electrode Technology for Aluminum Production Supplier Forum
Presentation Title The Intelligent Measuring Ramp - A New Approach to Anode Firing in Demanding Process Conditions
Author(s) Frank Appel
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Frank Appel
Abstract Scope Aluminum electrolysis places increasing demands on higher anode conductivity values (LC). This is achieved with higher anode density, possibly higher anode pitch content and, above all, higher firing temperatures. All these measures lead to a higher oxygen consumption in the main combustion zone, but also a higher loading of the flues with volatiles with simultaneously lower residual oxygen from the main combustion zone. The tar volatiles can no longer be burned as completely as was possible in earlier plants. To solve this problem, an innovative process control strategy with associated hardware was developed. It consists of an event-controlled combination of cooling to prevent premature evaporation of the tar and air dosing to improve the combustion of the volatiles. This presentation introduces the strategy and the associated technology, which helps to solve anode firing problems, especially in existing furnaces, and to produce anodes with improved characteristics without major furnace modifications.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided
Keywords Aluminum, Process Technology,


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The Intelligent Measuring Ramp - A New Approach to Anode Firing in Demanding Process Conditions
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