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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Environmental Degradation of Additively Manufactured Alloys
Presentation Title Comparison of Oxidation Behavior of Ultrasonic Additively Manufactured and Conventional Zircaloy-4
Author(s) Cory Parker, Kenneth Kane, Stephen Raiman, Bruce Pint, Caleb Massey, Andrew Nelson
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Cory Parker
Abstract Scope Ultrasonic additive manufacturing (UAM) is a promising solid state joining technique for producing planar geometries. While established for other materials, use of UAM to fabricate composite structure using zirconium alloys for nuclear reactor applications is in early development. Development of more complex geometries and structures must be preceded by studies that establish UAM can produce materials of acceptable properties. The corrosion behavior of Zry-4 during exposure to water coolants and the oxidation of Zry-4 in high temperature steam and oxygen are critical performance metrics. Residual voids formed between layers of Zry-4 tape used in the UAM process and other heterogeneities are not present in conventional Zry-4 processing, and their impact must be understood. The oxidation behavior of Zry-4 is studied here alongside conventionally manufactured Zry-4 using exposures in TGA furnaces at temperatures 600-1200°C for up to 100 h. Hydrothermal corrosion is also compared using continuously refreshing autoclave exposures for ≥1,000h.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Nuclear Materials, Environmental Effects


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Comparison of Oxidation Behavior of Ultrasonic Additively Manufactured and Conventional Zircaloy-4
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Effect of High-temperature Oxidation on the Fatigue Properties of Inconel 625 Fabricated by Laser Additive Manufacturing
Electrochemical Response of Additively Printed Inconel 718 by Laser-based Direct Energy Deposition
High Performance AM Stainless Steel 316L Under Corrosive Environment
High Temperature Air Oxidation Behavior of Ni-based Superalloys Processed by Electron Beam Melting (EBM) and Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion of LBM and EBM Ni-base Superalloys and Ti Alloys
High Temperature Oxidation of Additively Manufactured FeCrAl and Ni-based Alloys
Improving the Corrosion Performance of Additively Manufactured 316L via Chemically-modified Feedstock
Influence of Cold Spray Deposition Parameters on Pitting of AA2024
Localized Corrosion of Additively Manufactured Stainless Steels
Melt Pool Boundaries and the Corrosion of Laser Powder Fusion Stainless Steels
Microstructural Evolution and Oxidation Behavior of Fe-25Cr-20Ni-1.4Nb-0.2C Steel Fabricated by Laser Powder-bed Fusion
Nano-crystalline Cold Spray Coatings for Repair and Retrofit of Existing Large-Scale Structures
Performance of Additively Manufactured FeCrAl Alloy Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding in Nuclear Power Reactor Environments
Selective Corrosion and Sensitization Behavior in Laser Powder Bed Fusion 316L
Sensitization and Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloy 800H by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Simulation of the Effect of Corrosion on the Mechanical Properties of Porous Mg Scaffolds Fabricated by Power Bed Laser Fusion for Biomedical Applications
Tailoring Microstructure in Additively Manufactured Stainless Steels for Enhanced Corrosion Performance

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