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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Aluminum Cast Shop Supplier Forum
Presentation Title New Developments in Metal Cleaning and Filter Preheating
Author(s) Marion Betzing, Jochen Schnelle
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Marion Betzing
Abstract Scope Drache Filter Combi Box: A World First for the Use in Aluminum Casthouses and Foundries: The Drache Filter Combi Box is the first filterbox for liquid aluminum that combines degassing, temperature management and filtration in one compact system unit. It enables efficient and far-reaching process optimization, especially where systems with low casting speeds are in operation and where long casting times of several days or weeks apply for example sheet and rod casters. A second novelty is the Drache Flow Heater – A Next Generation Preheating System for Filterboxes. The Drache Flow Heater is an advanced electrical heating system that combines the advantages of existing preheating technologies. It offers fast and efficient, fully electrical preheating without creating any exhaust fumes. The Drache Flow Heater is a competitive alternative to gas-fired systems which are still the common standard in the industry.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided
Keywords Aluminum, Process Technology,


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New Developments in Metal Cleaning and Filter Preheating
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