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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advancements in Lightweight Composites, Materials & Alloys
Presentation Title Improvement of Ti-6Al-4V Wear Performance through Various Surface Modifications
Author(s) Beyza Ozturk, Emma M. H. White, Daniel Dickes, Uwe Glatzel, Mathias C. Galetz
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Beyza Ozturk
Abstract Scope Ti-6Al-4V alloys are applied in many industries due to their high strength, low density, and good corrosion resistance. To improve the wear performance of Ti-6Al-4V, five different surface modifications were performed: single-step oxidation, two-step oxidation + reduction, three-step oxidation + reduction + reoxidation, oxidation at reduced oxygen partial pressure, and a newly developed Zr slurry diffusion coating followed by subsequent oxidation to form ZrO2-enriched TiO2 on the surface. Dry sliding wear tests were carried out using a Si3N4 counterpart with a load of 5 N for a total sliding distance of 300 m. Deep ploughing grooves were not evident in the wear tracks of any surface-modified Ti-6Al-4V materials. Instead, wear debris containing Si-rich oxides formed as a tribolayer for most modifications. All surface treatments led to narrower and shallower wear tracks and no material removal was detectable for the Zr diffusion-coated sample under the investigated conditions.


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