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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Structure and Dynamics of Metallic Glasses
Presentation Title Improvement of brittleness by tailoring a glassy state distribution in a monolithic metallic glass through thermal process
Author(s) Rui Yamada, Wookha Ryu, Haruka Isano, Tomohiro Yoshikawa, Keisuke Tabaru, Junji Saida
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Rui Yamada
Abstract Scope Metallic glasses exhibit brittle fracture at room temperature, which has greatly hindered their practical application. It has been recognized that brittleness is strongly related to the glassy state (relaxed or rejuvenated state). Therefore, improvement of brittleness through controlling a glassy state is currently the hot issues to be addressed. In our previous research, it was revealed that the glassy state can be rejuvenated by annealing once relaxed sample to a supercooled liquid state followed by quenching. Moreover, we further extended this process to thermally create glassy state gradient within a monolithic metallic glass and showed that the gradient did affect brittleness of metallic glasses. In the present study, we created glassy state gradient within Zr50Cu40Al10 metallic glassy sample and clarified the gradation creation mechanism in the process. Furthermore, the mechanism of improvement of brittleness in the gradation created sample was discussed by analyzing the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) data.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Mechanical Properties, Characterization, Process Technology


Observation of the three-dimensional nanostructure of medium-range order clusters in bulk metallic glasses by atom probe microscopy
4D-STEM of Medium Range Ordering and Their Correlation to Properties in ZrCu, ZrCuAl, and ZrCuNiTiAl Metallic Glasses
Accelerating structural relaxation of shear band at ambient conditions through cryogenic thermal-cycling
Advancing metallic glasses for biomedical applications: A comprehensive study on CuAgZr alloys using combinatorial synthesis, high-throughput characterization, and machine learning
An analytical approach to understanding glass-formation via different processing routes: Casting, Thermoplastic forming and Additive manufacturing
Analysis of multi-nucleation and growth behavior in Fe-Co amorphous matrix with varied immiscible elements
Are metallic glasses brittle or ductile?
Assessing Printability of Bulk Glass-Forming Alloys and Composites using Single and Multi-Track Laser Experiments
Atomic cluster dynamics and transport in metallic glasses
Atomic cooperativity in metallic glass
Atomistic Insights into the Formation and Properties of CuZr Metallic Glass Nanoparticles
Avoiding annealing-induced embrittlement of metallic glasses
Bulk Metallic Glass Powders Production via Ultrasonic Atomization for 3D printing
Bulk Metallic Glasses: Applications and Challenges
Commercial Considerations for the Manufacturing of Bulk Metallic Glasses for Spacecraft Applications
Complexity and Dynamics in Metallic Glasses: Linking Structure and Entropy
Correlative Fast Differential Scanning Calorimetry on Bulk Metallic Glasses
Design and characterization of novel Zr-based metallic glasses with nanoscale phase separation
Development of Al-based complex confused metallic glasses overcoming glass-forming ability and fragility trade-off
Development of Zr-based metallic glasses with low glass transition temperature for thermoplastic forming
Enhanced Structural Ordering within Shear Bands of Zr-based Metallic Glasses Probed by 4D-STEM
Experimentally identifying stable metal clusters in binary (bulk) metallic glasses
Exploring ductility in bulk metallic glasses: Insights from experiments and molecular dynamics simulations
Fictive temperature-based annealing effects on the deformation behavior of metallic glasses with different initial structure
Fractal evolution of metallic glass structure under high pressure
Glass Formation and Crystallization of Metallic Materials
Glass forming ability in the polymorphic limit
Heterogeneity and its roles in hardening and toughening of metallic glasses
Improvement of brittleness by tailoring a glassy state distribution in a monolithic metallic glass through thermal process
Insight Beyond Short-Range Order in Metallic Glasses Revealed by Machine Learning
Interrogating the Local Yield Surface of a Model Metallic Glass
Local mechanisms leading to microscopic structural change in model binary glasses
Local structure and atomic mobility in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass
Lorentz 4D-STEM: correlative imaging of magnetic & strain fields and atomic packing in metallic glasses
Machine learning stability of amorphous solids from spatial structure
Manipulating atomic topology and chemical affinity for tailored pure-solvent clusters in Ti-based metallic glasses
Medium-range order in metallic glasses probed by 4D-STEM
Metallic Glass: Poised for Prevalence
Mitigating relaxation-induced embrittlement in metallic glasses with multi-component microalloying
Non-affine thermal expansion process in glass transition
Nucleation behavior of primary FCC-Al in a Al86Ni10MM4 metallic glass
On the structural and kinetic components of the α-relaxation in supercooled metallic-glass forming liquids
Oxygen effects on processability of Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glasses
Predicting orientation-dependent plastic susceptibility from static structure in amorphous solids via convolutional neural networks
Processing of Refractory Metallic Glasses with High Tg
Pushing the Limits of High-Performance Components with Thermoplastic Forming of Bulk Metallic Glasses
Reaching the Yield Point of a Glass During X-Ray Irradiation
Rejuvenation of metallic glass through memory effect in the relaxed Fe based amorphous alloys
Relation between structural and dynamical heterogeneities analyzed by 5 dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy
Semi-analytical and experimental heat input study of additively manufactured Zr-based bulk metallic glass
Spatial heterogeneities in metallic glass: identifying the origins beyond the 100 nm length scale
Stress-strain curves for hard-sphere colloidal glasses: experiments and microscopic analysis
Structural dynamics of glass-forming alloys: mechanical and microscopic insights
Structural evolution in metallic liquids – Towards understanding universalities underlying undercooling
Structural rejuvenation and strain-hardening in nanoscale metallic glasses
Structure-processing-property relationships in refractory metallic glass powders for additive manufacturing
Structure of metallic glasses and their untypical crystallization below the glass-transition temperature
The impact of deformation or relaxation on the atomic structure, self-diffusion and atomic mobility in bulk metallic glasses
The Key to High-quality Metallic Glass Casting: Influence of Mold Temperature and Interfacial Reactions
The Role of Structural Motifs in Deformation Behavior of Simulated Metallic Glasses
Tungsten-Based Thin Film Metallic Glass as Diffusion Barrier between Copper and Silicon
Two-Stage, Non-Classical Crystal Nucleation from the Supercooled Liquid of a Metallic Glass Alloy
Ultrastable Metallic Glass by Room Temperature Aging
Understanding how rejuvenation and residual stress engineering affect the mechanical properties of metallic glasses

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