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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Characterization of Materials through High Resolution Coherent Imaging
Presentation Title In-Situ/Operando Bragg Coherent X-Ray Diffraction Imaging for Catalysis Studies
Author(s) Wonsuk Cha
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Wonsuk Cha
Abstract Scope Bragg Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging (BCDI) is a powerful technique enabling three-dimensional nano-scale imaging. Because of unique sensitivity to lattice, BCDI has been employed to visualize morphology as well as internal lattice displacement field of various nano-scaled materials. In-situ/operando capabilities have been added to BCDI for more realistic studies to reveal evolutions of materials while they are under realistic conditions. In this talk, I will introduce recent experimental results on catalysis observed at the 34-ID-C beamline of the Advanced Photon Source (APS). In-situ/operando BCDI has successfully imaged the evolution and the distribution of strain developed nano-scaled catalysts during catalytic reactions. Different states of strain have been observed depending on catalytic reaction conditions. As diffraction limited storage rings are coming, in-situ/operando BCDI will exhibit more detailed features of nano-scaled catalysts. This talk will introduce some estimates of in-situ/operando BCDI for catalysis studies in the near future.
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Keywords Characterization,


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In-Situ/Operando Bragg Coherent X-Ray Diffraction Imaging for Catalysis Studies
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Physics-Informed Self-Supervised Learning of Structural Morphology Imaged by Scanning X-Ray Diffraction Microscopy
Probing Cryogenic Strain Evolution in SrTiO3 Using Multi-Reflection Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging
Rapid Reconstruction of the Full Strain Tensor via Coupled Phase Retrieval With Multipeak Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging
Real-Time Imaging of Subsurface Dislocation Dynamics
Simultaneous Reciprocal and Real Space X-Ray Imaging for Hierarchical Characterization of 3D Nano-Architected Metamaterials
Single-Exposure Elemental Differentiation and Texture-Sensitive Phase-Retrieval Imaging with a Neutron-Counting Microchannel-Plate Detector
Single-Shot X-Ray Imaging of Density in Laser Shocked Materials for Fusion Energy Studies
Synchrotron Ptychographic X-Ray Computed Tomography (PXCT) to Study Micro-Fabricated Fully Hybrid 3D Metal-Ceramic Metamaterials
Three-Dimensional Hard X-Ray Ptychographic Reflectometry Imaging on Extended Mesoscopic Surface Structures

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