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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Solid-State Transformations Under Complex Thermal Conditions
Presentation Title Towards Predictive Microstructural Design of Additively Manufactured Metals
Author(s) Janith Wanni, Subodh Subedi, Krishnan Suresh, Dan J. Thoma
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Dan J. Thoma
Abstract Scope The microstructural design of materials fabricated via laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) requires predicting the influence of process parameters on the solidification behavior and the thermal cycling effects during fabrication. This study utilizes automated simulations alongside experimental characterization to define the process-structure-property relationships in LPBF of 316L stainless steel samples. Power-velocity maps are used to investigate the simulated solidification and thermal history maps. In addition, thermal cycling simulations are used to estimate the thermal strain associated with the successive deposition of layers in the additive manufacturing technique. Experimentally, validation is achieved with high-throughput synthesis of bulk samples coupled with both accelerated and conventional characterization techniques. Grain size, dendrite spacing, texture, grain boundary misorientation, and dislocation densities are used to generate microstructure power-velocity maps. Finally, automated indentation provides mechanical responses across various length scales. The interaction of experimental and simulation results provides a useful methodology to predict process strategies.


Additive Manufacturing of Beta Titanium Alloys: Influence of Thermo-Kinetics on Solid State Precipitation (Invited)
Design and Function of a Nanocalorimetry Sensor for In-Situ TEM Imaging
Effect of Partial Transformation Cycling on Transformation Behaviour of a Binary Nickel-Based Alloy
In-Situ Heating in Transmission Electron Microscopy to Characterize Nuclear Fuel
Multi-Stimuli Integration in Alloy Design: A Shear-Assisted Processing Approach for High-Performance Nano-Composite Materials
Predicting Emergence of Nanoscale Order in Surfaces Oxides Through Preferential Interactivity Parameter
Thermal Fatigue of Sn-Based Solders in Heterogenous Integration in Packaging (HIP) by Time-Resolved X-Ray Microscopy
Towards Predictive Microstructural Design of Additively Manufactured Metals
Using the SEAQT Framework to Predict the Kinetics of Irradiating an FeCr Alloy

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