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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Accelerated Discovery and Insertion of Next Generation Structural Materials
Presentation Title High-throughput Prediction of Fracture and Brittle to Ductile Transition in Tungsten using Variable Temperature Nanoindentation
Author(s) Kevin Schmalbach, Radhika Laxminarayana, Douglas Stauffer, William Gerberich, Nathan Mara
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Kevin Schmalbach
Abstract Scope Methods to predict material fracture frequently rely on large experimental datasets tuned to the properties of one material or are based on computationally expensive modeling. Development of analytical models with easily measured physically meaningful parameters are key to alleviating bottlenecks in new materials development. Here, I describe the use of nanoindentation strain rate jump tests, applied at low temperature (-100 °C) and high temperature (50-300 °C), to measure the effective stress and activation volume as a function of temperature. These activation parameters, in combination with an analytical model for the strain energy release rate, accurately predict the brittle-ductile transition temperature along particular fracture systems in single crystal tungsten. Activation parameters measured from both nanoindentation and bulk tension of single crystal tungsten accurately predict the fracture toughness and brittle-ductile transition in macroscale tungsten single crystals.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Mechanical Properties, High-Temperature Materials,


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High-throughput Prediction of Fracture and Brittle to Ductile Transition in Tungsten using Variable Temperature Nanoindentation
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