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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Materials Processing Fundamentals
Presentation Title Effect of Slag Conductivity on Decarburisation Reaction Kinetics
Author(s) Jayasree Biswas, Kenneth Coley
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jayasree Biswas
Abstract Scope In basic oxygen steelmaking, metal droplet decarburization plays an important role in overall refining efficiency due to the bloating phenomena. In this work, a fundamental study of decarburization reaction kinetics for liquid metal droplets in oxidizing slag have been conducted. This study proposes a kinetic model which includes the effect of slag conductivity on decarburization reaction kinetics. It is proposed that during the decarburization process a charge build-up at the slag metal interface introduces an electric field which opposes the movement of oxygen ions towards slag-metal interface. This effect is believed to be the cause of the sudden shutdown of the decarburization process for metal droplets observed for low conductivity slags, in contrast to the case of high conductivity stage where decarburization was observed to continue to equilibrium.
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X-ray and Neutron Radiographic Experiments on Particle-laden Molten Metal Flows

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