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Meeting 2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Aluminum Reduction Technology Joint Session with REWAS: Decarbonizing the Metals Industry
Presentation Title Cooling of Pot Gas Enabling Carbon Footprint Reductions
Author(s) Anders K. Sorhuus, Håvard Olsen, Mikkel Sørum, Guillaume Girault
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Anders K. Sorhuus
Abstract Scope Several technologies for pot gas cooling have been developed over the past decade to address detrimental effects such as reduced filter bag life and increased stack emissions from the Gas Treatment Centres (GTCs). In this context, the REEL range of water-cooled pot gas heat exchangers, MHEX, IHEX and EHEX, have proven success in achieving the required gas cooling, providing at the same time GTC capacity improvements . These HEX technologies also allow significant reduction in the plant carbon footprint, either indirectly by utilization of waste heat replacing other carbon based energy sources, or directly by reducing carbon based electrical power consumption for operation of the main fans. Waste heat from the HEX may also enable carbon capture solutions (CCS) either as source of energy for CCS process, or as part of the process to concentrate the pot gas with the so called Pot Gas Recirculation (PGR) solution. Each solution will be discussed, and potential carbon reductions are estimated in the paper.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Aluminum, Other,


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Cooling of Pot Gas Enabling Carbon Footprint Reductions
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The Contribution and Economics of Demand Side Response towards Decarbonizing the Aluminium Industry

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