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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Solid-State Transformations Under Complex Thermal Conditions
Presentation Title Thermal Fatigue of Sn-Based Solders in Heterogenous Integration in Packaging (HIP) by Time-Resolved X-Ray Microscopy
Author(s) Nikhilesh Chawla, Eshan Ganju, Yaw S. Obeng
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Nikhilesh Chawla
Abstract Scope As semiconductor components become more complex, traditional inspection methods such as serial sectioning and scanning electron microscopy are no longer sufficient due to their destructive nature, time-consuming processes, and potential damage to the specimen surface. Non-destructive techniques such as optical imaging, radiography, and scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) have been valuable for detecting defects in semiconductor packages. 3D X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) is an ideal solution for non-destructively assessing defects in semiconductor packages. By capturing spatial and temporal changes, time-resolved tomography (4D XCT) can offer unique insights into package behavior under thermal fatigue. In this talk, we discuss experimental, 3D, non-destructive characterization of defect identification and evolution with thermal cycling in Sn-based solder alloys. The role of porosity, the location of the solder ball in the package, and damage evolution mechanisms will be described and discussed.


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Effect of Partial Transformation Cycling on Transformation Behaviour of a Binary Nickel-Based Alloy
In-Situ Heating in Transmission Electron Microscopy to Characterize Nuclear Fuel
Multi-Stimuli Integration in Alloy Design: A Shear-Assisted Processing Approach for High-Performance Nano-Composite Materials
Predicting Emergence of Nanoscale Order in Surfaces Oxides Through Preferential Interactivity Parameter
Thermal Fatigue of Sn-Based Solders in Heterogenous Integration in Packaging (HIP) by Time-Resolved X-Ray Microscopy
Towards Predictive Microstructural Design of Additively Manufactured Metals
Using the SEAQT Framework to Predict the Kinetics of Irradiating an FeCr Alloy

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