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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium High Temperature Electrochemistry IV
Presentation Title Optimizing Reaction Selectivity in High Temperature Molten Electrolytes
Author(s) Mary Elizabeth Wagner, Antoine Allanore
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Mary Elizabeth Wagner
Abstract Scope Achievement of a high-purity metal product during electrolysis is a challenge faced by both primary processing and recycling industries. Determination of what species will be reduced at the cathode is often limited to standard-state thermodynamics and trial-and-error experimentation. This approach hinders development of new electrolytes by requiring large amounts of data to be gathered before practicality can be determined. However, in high-temperature processes where both the metal product and the electrolyte are molten, the thermodynamic behavior of the electrolytic cell as well as the liquid-liquid equilibria established will heavily influence which metal is reduced and if any co-deposition will occur. By modeling this equilibrium, novel electrolytes can be screened for feasibility. Furthermore, knowledge of the cathode-electrolyte equilibrium can be used to optimize cell performance by tailoring the use of additives and supporting electrolytes.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Electrometallurgy, High-Temperature Materials, Extraction and Processing


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Effect of Hydroxide and Oxide Impurities in Electrochemical Processes Using Molten LiCl and CaCl2
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High-speed Electrodeposition of Textured Monolithic Lithiated Transition Metal Oxide Cathodes for Low Cost, High Energy, and Fast Charging Li-ion Batteries.
Interaction between Solute Species and Metallic Alloying Elements in Molten Chloride Systems
Investigation on Preparation of Fe-Al Alloys by Direct Reduction of Fe2O3-Al2O3 Powder in CaCl2-NaCl Molten Salt System
Liquid Bipolar Electrode for Extraction of Aluminium and PGM Concentrate from Spent Catalysts
Molten Hydroxide Mediated Electrosynthesis of Layered Transition Metal Oxides for Electrochemical Energy Storage
New Electrochemical Deoxidation Method of Ti Metal in Molten Salts Containing YCl3
Optimizing Reaction Selectivity in High Temperature Molten Electrolytes
Selective Extraction of Gold from Gold-copper Alloy Using Anodic Electrochemical Deposition in Molten Salt Electrolyte
Validated Modeling of Quartzite Reduction to Solar Silicon by Molten Salt Electrolysis

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