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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Recycling and Sustainability in Cast Shop Technology: Joint Session with REWAS 2025
Presentation Title The impact of different fuel and oxidizer compositions on melt quality in secondary aluminum melting processes.
Author(s) Pooyan Kheirkhah, Anandkumar Makwana, Valmiro C. Sa
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Anandkumar Makwana
Abstract Scope Using fuels with low greenhouse gas emissions in heavy industries is a promising method to reduce the carbon footprint of these industries. Hydrocarbon-based fuels are commonly used in melting furnaces utilizing air- or oxy-fuel burners. It is critical to understand the effect of using low carbon fuels on the melting process and the quality or properties of the melt. In this study, experiments are conducted using a test furnace equipped with burner technology for different types of fuel and oxidizer combinations. This test furnace allows a more focused study to identify how a change in the furnace atmosphere would impact the aluminum melt quality. Results from microscopy and chemical composition analysis of the metal along with combustion and furnace atmosphere data are evaluated to understand what changes could be expected on metal properties with the use of low-carbon-intensity fuels and/or oxidizers in secondary melting furnace operations.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Aluminum, Pyrometallurgy, Recycling and Secondary Recovery


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The impact of different fuel and oxidizer compositions on melt quality in secondary aluminum melting processes.

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