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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advances in High-Temperature Oxidation and Degradation of Materials for Harsh Environments: A SMD and FMD Symposium Honoring Brian Gleeson
Presentation Title Factors Affecting Na<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> -Deposit-Induced Corrosion of Ni-Based Superalloys at High Temperatures
Author(s) Preston Nguyen, Douglas Konitzer, Brian Gleeson
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Preston Nguyen
Abstract Scope Hot corrosion of Ni-based superalloys has been extensively studied due to its deleterious effect on aeroengine turbines. It is understood that hot corrosion is an extremely complex process that depends on interactions between the alloy, temperature, environmental deposits, and gases. Work has been done to try to simulate the complexity of hot corrosion, but the implementation of complex testing procedures lacks clear conclusions. The principal aim of this study is to investigate the separate effects of NaCl and SO<sub>2</sub> additions to Na<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> hot corrosion and to understand the combined effects when implemented together. Understanding the separate effects of secondary additions to Na<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> deposits and subsequently the combined effects can serve to address current knowledge gaps, while also enhancing lab-scale testing to be more akin to operating conditions in the field. An increased understanding of the combined effects of hot corrosion variables can provide crucial understanding to develop better mitigation strategies.


50+ Years of High-Temperature Corrosion at Pitt-MEMS
Advanced Metal Alloys and Coatings for Extreme Environments
Alloy Development and Compositional Effects on High Temperature Corrosion
Alloying Elements as Key Drivers in Hot Corrosion
Aspects of HT Chlorine Corrosion as Part of the Development of Technical Plants for Hydrogen and Synfuel Production from Biomass
Atomic Scale Understanding of Cu and Cu Alloy Oxidation Using In Situ Environmental TEM
Deposit-Induced Corrosion Under Calcium-Containing Films
Effect of Nb on the Growth Behavior of Al2O3 Scale Formed on Ferritic Stainless Steels
Effects of Alloy and TGO Composition on the Mixed Deposit-Induced Degradation of Advanced Alloys
Effects of Chlorides and Sulphates on High-Temperature Corrosion of Chromia-Forming Fe-Based Alloys in Wet CO2 Gas
Effects of Steam, Carbon Dioxide, and Oxygen Potential on the Alumina-Scale Establishment Process for Ni-Based Alloys
Environmental Compatibility Issues for Ni-Based Alloys in Direct-Fired Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles
Experimental Considerations Required for the Lab-Scale Replication of Corrosion Experienced by Nickel Superalloy Components in Aviation Gas-Turbine Engines
Factors Affecting Na2SO4 -Deposit-Induced Corrosion of Ni-Based Superalloys at High Temperatures
Gleeson and the Process Metallurgists- Oxidation of Liquid Aluminium
H-10: Effect of Al Content of β-NiAl on Initial Sulfate Deposit-Induced Corrosion
H-11: Effect of Microstructures on Spallation Resistance of Oxide Scale Formed on 2.25Cr-1Mo Steels in Water Vapor at 600°C
H-12: Effect of Simulated Ash Components on Breakdown of a Protective Chromia Scale Formed on Heat Resistant Steel
H-13: Effect of Water Vapor on the Oxidation Behavior of a Novel Ni-Based Alloy at 1273 K
H-14: Internal Oxidation Behavior of Fe-3at%Si-X Alloys at 1000°C
High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Dissimilar Metal Weld Joins for Steam Power Applications
High Temperature Corrosion in Mixed Gases
High Temperature Corrosion Induced Degradation: Can We Ever Bridge the Gap between Practically Relevant Continuum and Fundamentally Interesting Atomistic Models?
High Temperature Oxidation and Environmental Degradation in Industrial Gas Turbine
High Temperature Oxidation Resistance of Commercial Ni- and Co-Base Alloys in Harsh Environments
Intermediate Temperature Oxidation of SiC/BN/SiC CMCs
Isothermal Oxidation of Ni-Mn-Ga Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys Under Different Atmospheres
Moving from Empirical to Physics-Based Understanding of Deposit-induced Corrosion on Gas Turbine Airfoils
Ocean of Data: AI-Driven High Throughput Predictive Modeling of Materials Properties
On the Formation of Adherent Alumina Scales
Revolutionizing Materials Design: The Intersection of Quantum Mechanics and Data Modeling
Si Bond Coat Oxidation in SiC-Composite Yb2Si2O7 Systems
Steam Degradation Mechanisms in Sustainably Fueled Gas-Turbine Engines
Stress Assisted Corrosion of Single Crystal Alloys; In the Type II Sulphidation Regime
The Impact of Tantalum Addition on Oxide Formation of a Novel Ni-Cr-Co-Mo Superalloy
The Importance of Selective Oxidation in the Decarbonization of Steel Production
The Third Element Effect of FeCrAl Alloys in High Temperature Oxidation with Aqueous Corrosion Connections
Thermochemical Stability of Yb2Si2O7-Yb2SiO5 Mixtures in High-Temperature Water Vapor Environments

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