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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Steels for Sustainable Development III
Presentation Title Design of Novel Nanostructured Bainitic Steels for High Wear Service Conditions
Author(s) Rangasayee Kannan, Yiyu Wang, Tomas Grejtak, Bryan Lim, Christopher Fancher, Kinga Unocic, Peeyush Nandwana
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Rangasayee Kannan
Abstract Scope Nanostructured bainitic steels have a superior combination of wear, strength, and toughness imparted by fine nanoscale bainitic ferrite/austenite features, which makes them ideal material for high wear service conditions. However, these classes of steels require a very long isothermal heat treatment at low temperatures to form the nanostructure. This talk will focus on presenting a novel design methodology incorporating CALPHAD and machine learning approached to design new alloys that have an accelerated nanostructured bainite formation kinetics. Results on the validation of the down selected alloys using a combination of microscopy techniques and mechanical property evaluation will be presented. The structure and properties of the novel alloys will be compared with baseline alloys reported in the literature.


Advanced High Strength Steel for Automotive: Light Weighting and Sustainability
Design of Novel Nanostructured Bainitic Steels for High Wear Service Conditions
Development of Fe-10Ni Based Steel for Liquid Hydrogen Storage
Development of Invar Alloy/High Strength Steel Laminates for Satellite Applications
Enhancing Q&T Steels Toughness: Precision Crafting of Nano Scale Cu-Precipitates by Optimizing Heat Treatment Parameters
F-4: Influences of Retained Austenite on Fracture and Hydrogen Embrittlement Resistance of Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheets
Induction Heating for Sustainable Steel Manufacturing: Opportunities and Challenges
Isotopic Fingerprint – an Innovative Method to Determine the Origin of Non-Metallic Inclusions in Steel
Maximizing Scrap Recycling by Designing Cu Tolerant Steel Compositions
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in TIG Welded Joints of Advanced Reduced-Activation Alloy for Fusion Reactor
Microstructure Evolution and its Effects on Mechanical Properties Depending on Cooling Patterns in Austenitic Fe-Mn-Al-C Alloys
Modelling of Phase Transformations During Laminar Cooling of a TMCP Microalloyed X70 Steel
Opportunities for Plasma-Based Processes to Reduce Iron Ore
Quantification of Coarse TiN-Rich Precipitates in Hhigh Strength Microalloyed Steels
Study on the Grain Boundary Precipitation and Intergranular Fracture Behaviors in an Austenitic Fe-Mn-Al-C Lightweight Steel

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