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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Phase Stability, Phase Transformations, and Reactive Phase Formation in Electronic Materials XXIV
Presentation Title Electrodeposited Gallium for Cu-to-Cu Interconnection
Author(s) Tzu-Hsuan Huang, Jian-wei Huang, Zhih-feng Lin, Shih-kang Lin
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Tzu-Hsuan Huang
Abstract Scope Transient Liquid Phase (TLP) bonding technology, derived in 1970s, connects high-melting-point nickel-based superalloy materials at low bonding temperature to reduce the process costs. Recently, this technology has gained attention in electronic packaging due to its potential to address the issue of wafer warpage caused by CTE mismatch in 3D IC packaging. Gallium, which has a low melting point (29.8°C) and wide solubility in copper, shows significant opportunity to form solid-solution joints without intermetallic compounds for low-temperature bonding. In this talk, we will present the electroplating process for gallium and the mechanism of transient liquid phase bonding for the Cu/Ni/Ga/Ni/Cu reaction couples based on the cross-section analyses. Gallium based TLP bonding process shows promising in next generation industrial applications.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Electronic Materials, Joining, Thin Films and Interfaces


Advanced Characterization and Analysis for Improved Stable Material Structures
B-36: Liquidus Projection and Invariant Reactions of Bi-Cu-Sn System
B-37: Orientation Effects on the Electrically Induced Phase Transformation in Zirconia
B-38: Phase Equilibria, Solidification and Properties of Al-Cu-Ni-Sn Alloys
B-39: Simulation of Polycrystalline Microstructure Formation in Thin Film for Nanoscale Device Using Phase-Field Method
B-40: Sn-Zn-Bi Low-Melting Alloy with Great Aging Resistance and Wettability
Bonding Mechanism for Cu/SiO2 Hybrid Joints
Computational Simulation of Interfacial Bonding Behavior with Various Grain Structures in Cu-Cu Bonding
Effect of Copper Grain Size on Interfacial Reactions of Copper/Solder/Copper Sandwiched Joints
Effect of Interfacial Microstructure on Mechanical and Electrical Properties in Ultrasonically-Welded Ni/Al/Ni Lamellar Structure
Electrochemical Evaluation of Plating Parameters in Anomalous Codeposition Behavior of Invar Electroplating
Electrodeposited Gallium for Cu-to-Cu Interconnection
Exploring Low-Temperature Soldering with Good Soldering Strength: Investigating Soldering Behavior
Exploring Solder Wetting Angle by Using Machine Learning Approach
Fabrication and Properties of Nanotwinned Copper Doped with Carbon Nanotubes by Electrodeposition
Flux-Less Solder Ball Attachment Technology (FLAT) for Advanced BGA Assembly
Growth of Cu6Sn5 in a Cu/Sn/Cu Micro-Joint with a TFMG/Cu Dual Diffusion Barrier Layer During Thermocompression Bonding
High-Strength and High-Conductivity Nanotwinned Copper Foils Via Cu-Ni Co-Electrodeposition
In-situ Characterization of Electrical Current Induced Structural Changes in Single-Phase η-Cu6Sn5 Using Synchrotron Radiation
Interfacial Reactions Between Sn-Based Solders and FeCoNiCrMn High-Entropy Alloy
Interfacial Reactions between Sn and Ru for EUV Photolithography Applications
Joint Properties of Ni-Less Surface Finish / Sn-Alloy Solder Using Laser-Assisted Bonding (LAB) Technique
Li and Na Interaction in Intercalation Materials
Liquid-Solid Interfacial Reactions Between Lead-Free Solders and Cu-6.01wt.% Sn-0.12wt.%P Alloy (C5191)
Liquidus and Invariant Reaction Temperatures of Sn-In-Ni-Zn Alloys
Liquidus Projections and iInvariant Reactions in the Bi-Cu-Sn-Te Quaternary System
Liquid/Solid Interfacial Reactions Between the Sn Solder and Cu-Fe Alloy (C194) with the Ni Plating Layer
Microstructural Analysis and Mechanical Properties Evaluation of Zinc-Coated Aluminum Particles
Microstructure Evolution and Growth Behavior of Intermetallic Compound Between Cu and Sn-Ag Alloys
Microstructure Evolution and Phase Transformation of Ni-Sn Compounds aAfter Long-Term Storage
Solid/Solid Interfacial Reactions Between Lead-Free Solders and Cu-Ni-Si-Mg (C7025) Substrate
Striped Strain-Induced Coherency Loss Leading to Metastable Nanoprecipitate Phase Transformation in Al-Zn-Mg Alloys
Synergistic Inhibition Effect of Nitrides and Metal Ions on Corrosion of Copper
The Effect of Temperature on the Microstructure, Lattice, Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Sn-Bi Alloys

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