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Meeting 7th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2023)
Symposium ICME 2023
Presentation Title A Generative Adversarial Network for the Creation of Complex 3D Bimodal Polycrystalline Microstructures: Application to Cold-spray Al7050 Alloy
Author(s) Brayan David Murgas Portilla, Joshua Stickel, Somnath Ghosh
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Brayan David Murgas Portilla
Abstract Scope A methodology to generate synthetic bimodal polycrystalline microstructures is presented. This work develops a model that couples a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) and a classic microstructure generator to create statistically equivalent microstructures that match the surface fraction, texture, grain size, aspect ratio, and misorientation angle distributions of the EBSD data. Bimodal microstructures are composed of coarse grains and ultra-fine grains. The proposed methodology can generate bimodal microstructures obtained via rolling and annealing, severe plastic deformation, powder metallurgy, sintering, or cold-sprayed materials. This work presents the reconstruction of a cold-sprayed Al7050 alloy. Computational research is needed to understand the process-microstructure-property relationship with the goal of characterizing the fatigue life of the coatings. The generated microstructures subjected to tension along three orthogonal directions show different local and average mechanical behavior with changes in the yield stress and hardening.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Other


3D Full-field Crystal Plasticity Simulations on an Explicit Microstructure: How accurate are We
3D Phase-field Modelling of Microstructure Evolution During Additive Manufacturing of Multi-component Single Crystal Ni-based Super Alloys
A Computational Tool For Microstructure Development In Multicomponent Alloys During Additive Manufacturing
A Data-driven Approach for Estimating Three-dimensional Microstructural Features of Bainitic Steels Using Phase-field Simulation Results
A Deep Learning Approach for Phase Detection in 2D-XRD Patterns of Ti-6Al-4V
A Framework for Multilevel Robust Co-design of Material and Product Systems
A Generative Adversarial Network for the Creation of Complex 3D Bimodal Polycrystalline Microstructures: Application to Cold-spray Al7050 Alloy
A Machine Learning-based Virtual Lab to Predict Yield Surfaces from Crystal Plasticity Simulation
A Phenomenological Model for the Relationship Between Fatigue Life and Mechanical Properties
A Physics-based Correlation Study of Hot Cracking Phenomenon in the Processes of Additive Manufacturing
A Physics-Informed Multimodal Conditional Generative Model for Linking Process and Microstructure in Metal Additive Manufacturing
A Quantitative Phase Field Tool for Lithium-metal Battery Design
A Software Approach to Predict Creep Behavior in Time and Temperature Dependent Materials
Ab-initio Modelling of Phonon Transport in 2D High Entropy MXene Layers
Accelerating Development and Characterization of Nuclear Materials Processing: An Integrated Methodology
Accelerating Development of Materials with Artificial Intelligence
Advancing ICME Technologies Via Strategic Collaboration while Bridging the Gap Between Academia and Industry
Alloy Evaluation and Flow Forming Process Modeling for Net Shape Aerospace Structures
Alloys-by-Design: Accelerating the Discovery and Deployment of Alloys to Address Future Demands for Increased Performance and Sustainability
An ICME Based Approach for Improving High-strength Ni Alloy Process Yield
An ICME workflow to assess the process sensitivity of the heat treatment of IN718
An Interpretable Machine Learning Model to Predict Molten Salt Corrosion of Compositionally Complex Alloys and Facilitate Understanding of Novel Corrosion Mechanisms
Analysis of AA6061 Cladding Diffusion Bonding Quality for the U-10Mo Monolithic Fuel Using Multi-fidelity Machine Learning Surrogate
Application of Deep Learning Object Detection and Image Segmentation Code Such as YOLO and U-Net for Detection of Helium Bubbles and Voids in Nuclear Reactor Materials
Applications of CALPHAD Based Tools to Additive Manufacturing
Artificial Intelligence and High-performance Data Mining for Accelerating Materials Discovery and Design
Automated Analysis Pipeline to Investigate Bond-wire Corrosion Under Salt-water Exposure
Automated Characterization of Generated Meltpool from High Speed Camera in Advanced Manufacturing
Automated Hierarchical Screening of Refractory Multicomponent Alloys with High Intrinsic Ductility and Surface Passivation Potency
Automation of the ICME Workflow Incorporating Material Digital Twins at Different Length Scales Within a Robust Information Management System
Batch-wise Improvement in Reduced Design Space Using a Holistic Optimization Technique (BIRDSHOT)
Building Explainable Models - Determining Process-structure-property Relationships for Friction Stir Processed Metals
Cellular Automaton Simulation of Microstructure and Porosity Formation During Solidification Processing of Aluminum Alloys
Charge-density Based Convolutional Neural Networks for Stacking Fault Energy Prediction in Concentrated Alloys
Chemistry and Processing Prediction for Targeted Microstructure Morphology
Columnar to Equiaxed Transition During Solidification Under Additive Manufacturing Conditions
Composition-microstructure Control of in-situ Alloying Using Laser Powder-bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing: High-fidelity Thermal-chemical-fluid-microstructure Modelling
Computational Design and Modelling of Nickel-based Alumindes High Entropy Alloys
Computationally Derived Correlations for Process-induced Cracking During AM of Nickel-based Superalloys
Coupled Thermal-solidification Process Simulation of Sapphire Growth
Damage Prediction of Sintered α-SiC Using Thermo-mechanical Coupled Fracture Model
Data-driven Modeling for Service Lifetime Prediction of Acrylic Polymers
Data-oriented Description of Microstructure-dependent Plastic Material Behavior
Database Design Strategies for Coordinated Simulation and Testing in Additive Manufacturing
Databasing Through the AM Pipeline: From Powder to Part
Decision Support System for Device Fabrication
Deep Learning Enabled Additive Manufacturing (AM) Lattice Segmentation
Deformation Behavior in Core-Shell Heterostructured Materials
Design of 3D-printed Nanocomposite Shields for Efficient EMI Shielding via Finite Element Modelling
Design of Manufacturing Process of Polymer Composite Through Multiscale Cure Analysis Using Bayesian Optimization
Design of Titanium Aluminum Reinforced with TiB2 Composite for Powder Manufacturing Using Integrated Computational Materials Engineering
Designing Aerospace Components with Model-based Definitions to Enable Location-specific Tailoring of Properties
Designing Fatigue Resistance of Metallic Alloys with a Hybrid of Deep Learning and Micromechanics
Development of a Fully Anisotropic Monte Carlo Potts Model to Study Grain Growth
Development of a Roadmap for Computational Materials-informed Qualification and Certification of Process Intensive Metallic Materials
Development of an ML Interatomic Potential for SiC for Extreme Environments
Development of Digital Model Predicting Mechanical Properties of Inconel 718 for Powder Based Additive Manufacturing
Digital Threads for FAST Processing
Digital Transformation of Materials Enabled and Accelerated by ICME
Directed Energy Deposition of Al-0.5Sc-0.5Si Alloy: Effect of Thermal Cycles in Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
Discovery of Multi-functional Polyimides through High-throughput Screening using Explainable Machine Learning
Discrete Dislocation Dynamics Simulation Analysis of Plasticity and Size Effect in Additive Manufactured Metals
Discriminative Object Tracking by Domain Contrast
Effect of Cooling Rates on the Evolution of Microstructure, Phase Transformation, and Strain in Ti-6Al-4V Studied by High Speed Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction
Effects of Surface Segregations in Catalytic AgAuCuPdPt High Entropy Alloy
Elastic Constants Predictions in Multi-principal Element Alloys from DFT and Machine Learning
Enabling Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Helium Bubble Formation in Tritium-containing Austenitic Stainless Steels: An Fe-Ni-Cr-H-He Potential
Enhancement of Grain Refinement and Heat Resistance in Tib2-Reinforced Tial Matrix Composite Powder Manufactured by Spark Plasma Sintering
Evolution of Model-based Material Definitions
Examining Phonon Transport in High Entropy Oxides: An Advanced Thermal Barrier Coating Material
ExtremeMat: Quantification of the Effect of Microstructure and Composition on the Creep Rupture Life of Steels
FAIR Data in PMD: Development of MSE Mid-level and Standard-compliant Application Ontologies
First-principles and Data-driven Discovery of High-entropy Alloys for Corrosion Protection
Fluoroelastomer Crystallization Kinetics Studied by Deep Learning Segmentation of Atomic Force Microscopy Images
Geospatiotemporal Modeling of Near Subsurface Temperatures of the Continental United States for Assessment of Materials Degradation
High-throughput Computation and Process Design for Metal Additive Manufacturing
HIP Diffusion Bonding Process Modeling for Fabrication of U-10Mo LEU Fuel
HPC+AI@Edge Enabled Real-time Materials Characterization
ICMD: ICME-based Genomic Materials Design
ICME and ML Framework to Predict the Microstructure During U-10Mo Fuel Fabrication
ICME Design Approach Based on Multi-scale FEM, Phase-field and Ab-initio Simulations
ICME for DNA-templated Dye Aggregate Design for Quantum Information Applications
ICME Modeling of Can Body Stock
Identifying Scaling Laws for Discretization Error in Process-Structure Simulations of Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Image Processing Pipeline for Fluoroelastomer Crystallite Detection in Atomic Force Microscopy Images
Impact of Dendrite Tip Velocity Formulation on Simulated Microstructures of Powder Bed Fusion Ti-6Al-4V
Influence Of Interfacial Voids And Grain Boundary Conductivity On Depletion Kinetics Of Sodium Metal Anodes In All-solid-state Batteries
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering Toolkit to Understand Process-structure-property Relationships of Additively Manufactured Metals
Integrated Framework for Cure-informed Progressive Damage and Failure Analysis of Composite Structures
Integrating Crystal Plasticity and Thermo-mechanical Constitutive Modeling
Intelligent Design & Manufacturing of High-performance Iron Castings Using AI/ML
Irradiance Simulation of Real World Field for PV Backsheets Degradation
Irradiation Effects in MARMOT: Enhancing UO2 Grain Growth Modeling and Validation
Machine-learned Structural Descriptors for Metallic and Covalent Glassy Materials
Machine Intuitive Development of Army Steels - MIDAS
Machine Learning-enhanced Robust Co-design Exploration for Many Objective, Multilevel Materials Design Problems
Machine Learning Driven Prediction of Capacity Fade in Lithium-ion Batteries
Managing Uncertainty in the Strength of Ceramics
Material And Process Parameter Optimization for Additive Manufacturing Using High-throughput Kinetic Simulations
Materials Commons and FAIR Data
Materials Data & Informatics: Curation, Frameworks, Access, and Potential for Discovery and Design
Micromechanical Modeling of Cyclic Damage in Metallic Materials
Microscopy Data Acquisition and Analysis Workflows for Microstructure Quantification
Microstructural Analysis of Stainless Steel SEM Images by Combining EBSD Data and Deep Learning
Microstructural Evolution During Closed Die Forging of UDIMET720 and Prediction of Mechanical Properties
Microstructure-based Modelling Approach to Determine Hydrogen Diffusion and Trapping in Steels
Microstructure-sensitive Materials Design via Efficient Uncertainty Propagation and Process-structure-property Linkages
Microstructure Informed Modelling of Ductile-to-brittle Transition in Ferritic Steels
Microstructure Variability Prediction in Powder Bed Metal Additive Manufacturing
Model-based Material and Process Definition Application to Aerospace Component Design and Lifing
Model-based Material and Process Definitions for Additive Component Design and Qualification
Modeling Defect Generation During Production of Single Crystal Sapphire
Modelling of Carbides in Irradiated Steel Microstructure
Molecular Modelling of Locally Concentrated Electrolytes for Lithium-ion Batteries
MPMD ICME Industry Implementation Award: Multi-scale Approach for Developing a High Silicon Al-Si-Cu Alloy for Additive Manufacturing Supercharger Rotors
Multi-scale Microstructure Evolution Informed Constitutive Behavior Modeling of Cast Iron
Multi-scale Modeling of Composites Manufacturing Processes
Multi-scale Modeling of Dislocation Plasticity in Nano-architectected Metals
Multilevel Modelling and Optimization for Large Scale Additive Manufacturing
Multiphysics Modeling of Ti-based Composite Direct Energy Deposition for Analyzing the Dynamics of Nano-sized Reinforcing Particles
Multiscale Modeling and Machine Learning-based Digital Twin for Piezocomposite Damage Sensing
Multiscale Modeling of Metal Vaporization/Condensation in Manufacturing Processes
Multiscale Modeling of Structure-property Relationships in Highly Filled Thermoplastic Composites
Multiscale Study of the Influence of Electrolyte on the System Level Performance of Na Ion Batteries
Nanoscale Precipitation Strengthening Mechanisms in CoCrNi-based Medium Entropy Alloys
NexusLIMS: A Laboratory Information Management System for Shared-use Electron Microscopy Facilities
NIST Interatomic Potentials Repository: Discovering, Evaluating and Comparing Interatomic Potentials
On the Origin of Dendrite Misorientation in Ni-based Single Crystal Superalloy
Ontology-based Digital Representations of Materials Testing in the MaterialDigital Initiative
Optimizing AgAuCuPdPt High Entropy Alloy Compositions as Efficient Catalysts for CO2 Reduction Reaction
Parametrically-upscaled Crack Nucleation Model(PUCNM) for Fatigue Nucleation in Ti Alloys Containing Micro-texture Regions
Phase Field Modeling Investigation of Polycrystalline Grain Growth Using a Spherical-Gaussian-based 5-D Computational Approach
Phase Field Simulation of Heat Treatment Process for Single Crystal Ni-based Superalloy
Physics-constrained, Inverse Design of High-temperature Strength Printable Aluminum Alloys with Low Cost and CO2 Emissions for High Demand Industries
Plastic Deformation and Failure Predictions of Al-6061 With Inhomogeneities Using Finite Element Modeling Techniques Across Different Length Scales
Predicting Grain Morphology in LBPF Haynes 282 with Complex Geometry via ICME Approach
Predicting Laser Powder Bed Fusion Microstructures Using Machine Learning
Predicting the Metallurgical Bond at the Interface Between Two Aluminum Sheets Joined Using High-velocity Riveting Through Finite Element and Molecular Dynamics
Predicting the Performance Degradation of Advanced Devices Exposed to Ionizing Radiation
Prediction of Prior Austenite Structure as a Function of Processing Parameters in Additively Processed High-strength Steel
Prediction of Solidification Cracking for Additively Manufactured Rene 80 Superalloy by Directed Energy Deposition
PRISMS-Indentation : An Open-source Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Virtual Indentation Module
PRISMS-PF: An Open-source High-performance Phase-field Modeling Framework
Process Chaining to Enable a Material-informed Digital Twin Prototype for Marine Structures
Rapid Design of High-performance Refractory High Entropy Alloys Aided by Multiscale Modeling and Additive Manufacturing
Robotic Blacksmithing: Towards the Autonomous Control of Geometry and Microstructure Via Iterative, Open-die Forming
Simulated Microstructural Evolution and Tool Chain Development for Process Optimization of Cast & Wrought Nickel-base Superalloy Billet Material
Simulating Phenomena of Industrial Rolling via Gleeble Compression for Calibration of an Aluminum Processing Model
Simulating the Microstructure to Property Relationships with Multiscale Recursive Micromechanics
Simulation of Dynamic Recrystallization in a 316L Stainless Steel Friction Stir Weld with Kinetic Monte Carlo Modeling
Simulations Showing the Formation of Grooves and Ledges Over γ' Precipitates During High-temperature Creep: A Dynamically Coupled Discrete Dislocation Dynamics and Phase-field Model
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Model for Friction Stir Processing of 316 L Stainless Steel: Process Modeling and Microstructure Prediction
Spatiotemporal Feature Extraction Using Deep Learning for Stress Corrosion Cracking in X-ray Computed Tomography Scans of Al-Mg Alloys
Statistical Learning Approaches for Predicting Pore Formation from In-situ Characterization for Additive Manufacturing of SS 316L Using Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Study of the Critical Angle for Nucleation of Different Shape of Nanoparticles in an Aluminium Alloy
Sustainable Aluminum Alloy Design Using Physics-informed Machine Learning
Tensile Loading Modelling of Laser-deposited AlCoCrFeNiCu High Entropy Alloy Using Comsol Multiphysics
The Alloy Optimization Software (TAOS): Application to HEAs
The Effects of Orientation and Temperature on Deformation Mechanisms in Single-crystalline CrCoNi
The Multiple Facets of ICME in Modern Manufacturing at Brunswick Boat Group and Mercury Marine
The Role of Computational Materials Design in the Circular Economy of Materials
The Through-process Texture Analysis of Non-grain-oriented Electrical Steel
Towards Deep Learning of Dislocations from TEM Images: The Problem of “Never Enough Training Data”
Towards Interoperability: Digital Representation of a Material Specific Characterization Method
True Multiscale Simulations of Virtual Coupon Tests in Composites.
Uncertainty Quantification in Internal Stress Distribution Via Integrated High-energy Synchrotron X-ray Experiments and Crystal Plasticity Simulations
Uncertainty Reduction of Profilometry-based Indentation Plastometry Using Optical Profilometry
Understanding Grain Growth Using a Physics-regularized Interpretable Machine Learning Model
Unravelling the Ultrahigh Modulus of Resilience of Core-Shell SU-8 Nanocomposite Nanopillars Fabricated by Vapor-Phase Infiltration
Using Unsupervised Learning to Identify Small Crack Characteristics and Link to Fatigue Life
Validation of Crystal Plasticity Simulations using High-energy X-ray Diffraction Microscopy Measurements
Vapor Depression Segmentation and Absorptivity Prediction from Synchrotron X-ray Images Using Deep Neural Networks
VPSC’s New Clothes: Developing a Modern MATLAB API for Automating High-throughput VPSC Experiments

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