Abstract Scope |
Neutron Diffraction for strain analysis has been developed worldwide since the VAMAS benchmark project (1990's) resulting in an ISO/TTA 3:2001 and its review in 21432:2019 Non-destructive testing — Standard test method for determining residual stresses by neutron diffraction.
The long-term collaboration of neutron facilities ILL (FR), FRMII (DE), ISIS (UK) and NECSA (SA) have resulted in the development of the Neutron Quality Label (R) trademark. It encompasses shared calibrants and protocol of alignment and reporting template. Furthermore, it promotes the collaboration between facilities such as for the systematic study of Diffraction Elastic Constants (DECs) in additively manufactured materials. The group is also working to update the pseudo-strain correction softwares with enhanced sample geometry considerations, as well as the further reporting of uncertainties.
Recently, the ILL in collaboration with ESRF (FR) and DESY (DE) synchrotrons and the NQL partners has proposed the NEXUS-Stress format to harmonize diffraction strain data treatment. |