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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Dilute Alloying and Impurity Effects on Phase Transformations
Presentation Title The Role of Minor Alloying in the Plasticity of Bulk Metallic Glasses
Author(s) Gerhard H. Wilde
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Gerhard H. Wilde
Abstract Scope Minor alloying is of fundamental as well as technological interest and refers to the addition of small concentrations of alloying elements to tune the properties of a given host material. In the context of metallic glasses, minor alloying was shown to affect the glass forming ability and properties including the mechanical performance. However, in view of the richness of local structural features in metallic glasses, the impact of small compositional variations is striking and calls for an analysis of the structural changes and the structure-property correlations. As a case example, a Pd-based bulk metallic glass was manipulated by minor additions of either Fe or Co. The alloying effects were extreme, showing either exceptional ductility upon Co addition or immediate catastrophic failure upon Fe addition. The underlying structural and dynamic modifications correlated to the minor alloying are discussed with respect to the local structural diversity that is affected by minor alloying.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:


Effect of Silicon Addition on the Stability and Precipitation of Delta Phase in Inconel 718 and Associated Mechanical Properties
Effects of Dilute Phosphorus Alloying on Phase Transformations in the Fe-Ni System
Impact of Impurity Elements Introduced During Joining on the Properties of Superelastic Nitinol
In-Situ Formation of Lamellar α+β Ti Alloys With Dilute Fast Diffusive Elements
Phase Transformation in Al-Cu-Sc Alloy and Its Impact on Corrosion Performance
Role of Impurities and Dilute Alloying Elements on Long-Range Order in Ni-Cr-Based Alloys
The Role of Minor Alloying in the Plasticity of Bulk Metallic Glasses

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