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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Fracture Modeling of Composite Materials
Presentation Title Developing a Virtual Damage Sensor Using a Multiscale Coupled Electro-mechanical FE Model of a Piezoelectric Material
Author(s) Somnath Ghosh, Preetam Tarafder, Saikat Dan
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Somnath Ghosh
Abstract Scope This talk will develop a finite element model coupling transient electric and dynamic mechanical fields for piezoelectric materials. The mechanical field incorporates finite deformation kinematics with continuum damage relations to account for change in mechanical and piezoelectric material properties with deformation induced damage evolution. The coupled mechanical-piezoelectric model with damage will serve as a electric field-based virtual damage sensor. A coupled mechanical-piezoelectric (ME-PE) parametrically homogenized constitutive-damage model (PHCDM) will be developed for piezo-electric materials accounting for the microstructure and crack evolution in the microstructure. An electric field-based damage indicator function is proposed and calibrated from data obtained through numerical solutions using the ME-PE code. The function relates the electric field difference for undamaged and damaged conditions to the damage parameter, its rate and mechanical and piezoelectric material and damage properties. The virtual damage sensor will be used to examine damage conditions in stretchable piezoelectric conductors.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


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Developing a Virtual Damage Sensor Using a Multiscale Coupled Electro-mechanical FE Model of a Piezoelectric Material

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