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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Bauxite Residue Valorization and Best Practices
Presentation Title Optimising Bauxite Residue for Use as a Soil Component
Author(s) Markus Graefe, Lucky Zaman, Virender Kumar, Steven P. Rosenberg
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Markus Graefe
Abstract Scope Soil, in the context of the United Arab Emirates, is an attractive option for bauxite residue usage, because the sandy nature of the native soils lacks water and fertilizer retention capacities, while the climatic conditions of the region impart water scarcity, excessive evaporation rates and solar radiation. The challenge of economically converting bauxite residue, directly from the refinery, into a usable soil substrate material was addressed through in-house and commissioned research at international universities. In August 2023, EGA began producing 80 kg per week of optimized bauxite residue (OBxR) with a pH < 8.0 and an EC < 1.0 mS/cm at Al Taweelah alumina refinery’s first residue-related pilot plant, the Small Soil Manufacturing & Research Facility (SSMRF). We have since produced 30 tonnes of OBxR and installed two demonstration plots. Our presentation provides insights into the process chemistry nature of OBxR, and the performance of EGA’s Turba (Arab. soil).
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: TMS Journal: Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy
Keywords Hydrometallurgy, Other, Sustainability


A Linear Programming-Based Approach for Creating Cements from Bauxite Residue
Activated Bauxite Residue Application in Wastewater Treatment
Assessing the Carbonation Potential of De-alkalized Bauxite Residue Using Different Carbonation Methods
Assessment of High Temperature Valorisation Routes for Bauxite Residue towards Cementitious Binders: A Case Study on Vitrification
Bauxite Residue Valorisation in a Zero Emission, Zero Waste and Sustainability Policy Context
BR Valorisation: Can We See It Differently?
Developments in EGA’s Bauxite Residue Roadmap
Hydrogen-Driven Sustainable Multi-Metal Recovery Approaches for Bauxite Residue: A Comparative Analysis
Impact of Chemical Admixtures on the Setting Time and Freeze-Thaw Resistance of Bauxite Residue-Based Geopolymer
Innovative Hydrometallurgical Methods for Extracting Metallic Oxides from Bauxite Residue
Optimising Bauxite Residue for Use as a Soil Component
Pelletization and Hydrogen Reduction of Bauxite Residue in Pilot Scale
Processing Routes of Bauxite Residue And Its Valorisation Potential: Various Case Studies Demonstrated at Pilot Scale
Recovery of Alumina and Soda from High Tatania Containing Bauxite Residue
Recovery of Titanium from Production Residues via Physical and Chemical Processing
Red Mud to Produce Sustainable Iron and Steel - A Thermodynamic Analysis
Revolutionizing Mineralogy Prediction in Sulfoaluminate Cements: A New Modified Bogue Equation for Elevated Bauxite Residue Content
Synergistic Pyrolysis with Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Can Neutralize Bauxite Residue (BR)
Towards Scalable Autoclaved Masonry Units: How Bauxite Residue Feedstock Characteristics Impact Performance
Utilizing Mining Tailings for Sustainable Steel and Rare Earth Element Recovery

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