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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Advanced Manufacturing, Processing, Characterization and Modeling of Functional Materials
Presentation Title Defect Recognition on Coating Layer Using PinPoint Nanomechanical Mode in Atomic Force Microscopy
Author(s) Gil Min, Gabriela Mendoza, Cathy Lee, Moses Lee, Jake Kim, Keibock Lee
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Gil Min
Abstract Scope Surface coating techniques is widely used industrially to prevent surface abrasion and corrosion. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)is largely used in material surface research allowing reviewing and inspection quality control for possible defects. The aim was to demonstrate AFM PinPoint for analyzing generated defects during coating process. The first test involved a scratch produced over the surface of a coated glass substrate. The second test featured a scratched glass substrate whose surface was subsequently re-coated. Topography, adhesion energy and modulus images from two samples with defects created before and after coating were obtained. Examining adhesion and modulus images of the scratch before coating, they show no visible difference in mechanical properties.Where the glass substrate is scratched after the coating, a clear contrast is shown. AFM can be used for diverse applications in the coating industry because of its ability to examine the surface properties otherwise not observable by studying topography alone.


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