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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Biodegradable Materials for Medical Applications II
Presentation Title Low Pressure and Atmospheric Plasma-based Surface Modifications for Biodegradable Materials and Implants
Author(s) Leticia de Andrade Marin, Samira Ravanbakhsh, Sofia Gambaro, Andranik Sarkissian, Carlo Paternoster, Diego Mantovani
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Diego Mantovani
Abstract Scope Over the last 50 years, biomaterials, prostheses and implants saved and prolonged the life of millions of humans around the globe. Today, biodegradable materials allow industrials, scientists, and clinicians design new temporary devices for patient benefits that one decade ago was simply unimaginable. However, controlling the surface behavior is an effective method to modulate degradation, target biological properties, and improving radiopacity for thinner devices. For example, short reactions such as cell adhesion and migration are known to be mainly affected by chemical composition, roughness and wettability of the material surface. Plasma techniques are an advantageous method to modify surfaces of complex devices such as tiny medical implants. They offer several advantages as a surface modification technique without affecting the overall sample thickness and allowing the treatment of complex shape samples. This presentation aims to discuss results obtained by surface characterization techniques of a Fe-Mn-based surfaces modified by different plasma-based processes.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


3D-printed Nanocomposites for Bone Repair
Additive Manufacturing of Biodegradable Fe-alloys for Orthopedic Applications
Advances in Zinc and its Alloys as Biodgradable Metals for Medical Applications
An Mg-Zn-Ca-based Alloy and a Biocompatible Ceramic Coating Towards Resorbable Bone Fixation Devices
Are those Biproducts of Bidegradable Metals Deleterious to Bone Healing?
B-10: New Approach in Development of Biodegradable FeMn Alloys
B-11: Novel Method for Increasing Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable Zinc
B-12: Research on Zn-Ag-Mg Alloy as a Potential Biodegradable Implant Material
B-1: Bilayer Coated Magnesium Weaves as Degradable Bio-scaffolds
B-3: Deformation Localization of Zn-Cu-Mn-Mg Alloys Designed for Bioresorbable Medical Implants
B-4: Discovery of Alloying Elements and Processing Parameters that Impart Improved Biocompatibility of Zinc-based Medical Implants
B-6: Evaluation of Electrospinning Parameters for Fabrication of Biodegradable Drug Carrier Silk Fibers
B-8: Long Term Inflammatory Response to Zinc Materials in Murine Arteries
B-9: Mechanical and Wear Behaviour of Mg-Ca Alloys for Orthopaedic Implant Applications
Biocompatibility Study of Luminescent Hydroxyapatite
Biodegradable Magnesium Implants – From Alloy Development to In Vivo Testing
Ceramic Composites as Bone Tissue Scaffolds
Corrosion Products of Zinc Implant Degradation Suppress Neointimal Hyperplasia
Different Approaches to Achieving the Appropriate Biodegradability for the Fe-Mn Alloy
Effect of Secondary Processing on Microstructure, Mechanical and Corrosion Response of a Biodegradable Mg1Zn2Ca Alloy
Fe-based Alloys with Extreme Properties for Thinner Absorbable Devices
Fixing Broken Hearts: Biodegradable Cardiovascular Implants
High Strength Rare Earth Free Mg Alloys with Controlled Degradation Behavior Through Microstructural Manipulation
Hydrogen Sensors for Noninvasively Monitoring the Status of Bioresorbable Magnesium Implants
In-vitro Corrosion and Mechanical Performance of Mg Alloy WE43 Processed by Spark Plasma Sintering
In-Vivo and In-Vitro Performance of Bioabsorbable BioMg 250 Mg Alloy Implants
Influence of Solution Heat Treatment on Microstructure, Hardness and Corrosion Behavior of Extruded RESOLOY
Low Pressure and Atmospheric Plasma-based Surface Modifications for Biodegradable Materials and Implants
Microstructure and Biodegradation Behavior of Additively Manufactured Magnesium
Non Invasive Degradation Tracking of Mg Implants in Humans
Novel Zn-Fe Matrix Nanocomposite as Biodegradable Material
On Contributors to Fracture in Absorbable Metals
Proteins and Flow Conditions: How They Influence the Degradation of Mg
Surface Engineering on Zinc for Better Biocompatibility
Synthesis of Absorable and Non-absorbable Sutures for Surgical Incisions and Wounds
Tailoring Degradation Behavior of Mg-5Nd Alloy by Intermetallic Distribution
Thermal Treatment of Zn-based Alloys for Vascular Stenting – Effect of Microstructure on Degradation Behavior and In-vivo Response

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