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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Recycling and Sustainability in Cast Shop Technology: Joint Session with REWAS 2025
Presentation Title Electrolytic Purification of Aluminum Scrap in NaCl-KCl-Na3AlF6 Molten Salt System
Author(s) Buju Guo, Yaowu Wang, Wenxiong Dong, Jinbo Qiao
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Buju Guo
Abstract Scope Recovery of aluminum scrap has attracted wide attention due to its low energy consumption and carbon emission. The current aluminum scrap recycling by remelting process cannot remove alloying elements and impurities in recovery process, such that the recycled aluminum satisfies only the requirements of downgraded use. In order to achieve the purpose of upcycling aluminum scrap, in this study, typical aluminum scrap was used as soluble anode to purify in NaCl-KCl-Na3AlF6 molten salt system at 710 ℃. The liquidus temperature and electrical conductivity of the eutectic NaCl-KCl molten salt with different molar concentrations of Na3AlF6 added were determined. The whole electrolytic purification process including the dissolution of anode and the precipitation of cathode was analyzed. The results show that the liquidus temperature decreases and then rises with the increase of Na3AlF6concentration, while the trend of electrical conductivity is opposite. Most alloying elements in aluminum scrap can be removed by electrolytic purification with soluble anode, and the purity of aluminum obtained on the cathode can reach over 99.8 wt. % under the conditions of electrolysis temperature of 710 °C, cathode current density of 0.5 A/cm2, electrolysis duration of 5 h and Na3AlF6 concentration of 8 mol %.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Aluminum, Recycling and Secondary Recovery, Electrometallurgy


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Classification of Automotive Aluminum Scrap Into Cast and Wrought Alloys
Development of Aluminum Chips Recycling Process for Recovery Rates and Corrosion Resistance of A380 Alloy
Electrolytic Purification of Aluminum Scrap in NaCl-KCl-Na3AlF6 Molten Salt System
Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy Usage in Cast House Furnaces
Enhancing Secondary Aluminum Supply: Optimizing Urban Mining Through a Systems Thinking Approach
Environmental Impact Lifecycle Assessment of Green Sand Moulding in Foundries
Microstructure-Based Investigation of Bonding Mechanisms of Solid-State-Recycled Aluminum Chips for Sustainable Semi-Finished Products
Multifrequency Ultrasonic Treatment of Aluminum Alloys for Microstructural Modification
Oxy-Fuel Combustion: Impact of Hydrogen Combustion on Aluminum Melt Quality in Secondary Melting Processes

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