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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Joining and Integration of Advanced and Specialty Materials
Presentation Title Effects of Strength Overmatching on the Assessment of Toughness in Hybrid Laser Arc Welded High Strength Steel
Author(s) Daniel Bechetti, Matthew Sinfield, Maximilian Kinsey, Nathan Korinchak
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Daniel Bechetti
Abstract Scope High energy density joining processes are attractive to shipbuilders because they minimize distortion and reduce construction costs. They also produce hard, narrow fusion zones that complicate mechanical evaluation. Traditional weldment mechanical property acceptance through the Charpy V-notch test is made possible by decades of test records correlated to fracture toughness testing and validation through in-service performance. Charpy testing of hybrid laser arc weld (HLAW) fusion zones to evaluate quality conformance is difficult because of fracture path deviation into the base metal or heat affected zone. This study reports on methods used to assess weld metal toughness in HLAWs fabricated using high strength ship steels. The discussion will include pitfalls associated with Charpy and fracture toughness testing of HLAWs, the establishment of relationships between modified and standard Charpy testing for evaluating HLAW performance, and miniature tensile testing of narrow fusion zones to characterize the degree of strength mismatch in these joints.


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Effects of Strength Overmatching on the Assessment of Toughness in Hybrid Laser Arc Welded High Strength Steel
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Introductory Comments: Joining and Integration of Advanced and Specialty Materials
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