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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Frontiers of Materials Award Symposium: Intermetallic Alloys at the Edge of Complexity: Structural and Kinetic Aspects
Presentation Title Capturing the Growth of Quasicrystals Near- and Far-from-Equilibrium
Author(s) Ashwin Shahani
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ashwin Shahani
Abstract Scope Since their discovery around forty years ago, quasicrystals (QCs) have attracted substantial research interest due to their unique structure. Even so, there are still remaining questions in terms of why and how they form in the first place. Here, we present our efforts on tracking the nucleation and growth of QCs near- and far-from-equilibrium, by leveraging state-of-the-art dynamic imaging techniques. Our research was conducted with the aid of time-resolved synchrotron-based X-ray microscopy and dynamic transmission electron microscopy. By coupling these two techniques, we have investigated a broad range of length-scales (from tens of nm to hundreds of ìm) and solidification pathways (1 K/s to 106 K/s cooling rates). The results provide a wealth of knowledge on the emergence of QCs in deeply undercooled melts; the influence of phasons on QC coalescence; and the growth mode of the QCs from a liquid (solidification) and from a solid phase (precipitation).
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: None Selected


Capturing the Growth of Quasicrystals Near- and Far-from-Equilibrium
Complex Intermetallic Compounds: Original Surface Structures for Unusual Surface Properties
Direct Evaluation of Quasicrystal Bulk and Surface Energies in Density Functional Theory
In-Situ Growth of PtSn4, a Complex Layered Intermetallic
Influence of Icosahedral Short-range Order in the Liquid on Solidification Morphologies
Intermetallic Compounds from Metallic-glass Precursors
Simulating Complex Crystal Structures and Their Assembly in Hard and Soft Condensed Materials

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