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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Dilute Alloying and Impurity Effects on Phase Transformations
Presentation Title Phase Transformation in Al-Cu-Sc Alloy and Its Impact on Corrosion Performance
Author(s) Bo Zhao, Jiashi Miao, Alan Luo, Shuaihang Pan
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Bo Zhao
Abstract Scope Scandium (Sc) has been used to improve the mechanical properties of Al alloy as Al3Sc can act as grain refiner and contribute to precipitate strengthening. However, the effects of Sc addition on the corrosion resistance of Al alloy, especially Al-Cu alloy, remain controversial and lack sufficient study. This is due to the complex phase transformations of the Al-Cu-Sc ternary phase during the heat treatment. In this work, we investigated the effect of Sc micro-alloying on the microstructural evolution and corrosion properties of Al-Cu alloys. The results, assisted with an ICME approach, show that the phase transformations involving W-AlCuSc degrade the corrosion resistance of Sc-microalloyed Al-Cu alloys. The close proximity of W-AlCuSc, θ-Al2Cu, and Al-Cu-Fe-containing complex phases at grain boundaries, as well as closely located Al3Sc and θ′-Al2Cu inside the grains, promotes micro-galvanic corrosion and Sc dealloying, leading to more severe pitting and crack propagation.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Aluminum, ICME, Phase Transformations


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