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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium High Temperature Corrosion and Degradation of Structural Materials
Presentation Title Machine Learning and Data Analytics for Accelerating High-temperature, Corrosion-resistant Materials Design
Author(s) Xuesong Fan, Baldur Steingrimsson, Anand Kulkarni, Peter K. Liaw
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Peter K. Liaw
Abstract Scope We will introduce machine learning (ML) models capable of detecting patterns and characteristic trends, and evolving distinguishing characteristics between calcium-magnesium-alumino-silicate (CMAS) and calcium sulfate (CaSO4) hot corrosion attacks, with and without the influence of sea salt, for the purpose of developing coatings resistant to CMAS and calcium sulfate hot corrosion. To this end, we will present a unified feature list, one that captures inputs and outputs describing both CMAS and calcium sulfate attacks, a joint optimization scheme, for identifying a combination of thermal barrier coating and base alloy with good resistance to both corrosion mechanisms, and canonical component analysis, for evolving the distinguishing characteristics. We recommend selecting a ML or data analysis technique suitable for the application at hand and the data available. We recognize close linkage between the feature data extracted and the underlying physics-based models (refer to our patent application “Machine Learning to Accelerate Alloy Design”, No. 16/782,829).


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Elucidating Influence of Alloy Composition, Thermal Cycling and Environment on Oxidation Behavior of Engine Exhaust Valve Materials
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Exploring Materials Options for sCO2 Applications: Steels to Cermets
Influence of the Water Vapor on Oxide Scale and Alpha Case Layer in Ti6Al4V
Introductory Comments: High-temperature Corrosion and Degradation of Structural Materials
Kinetic Modeling of High-temperature Oxidation of Pure Metals by Incorporating Wagner’s Theory into the CALPHAD Approach
Long-term Oxidation Behavior of Chromia-forming Alloys in High-temperature CO2 and Air
Machine Learning and Data Analytics for Accelerating High-temperature, Corrosion-resistant Materials Design
Metal Dusting of Ni-based Alloys at Elevated Pressure in Different Gas Compositions
The Effect of Surface Treatment on the Formation, Structure, and Chemistry of Protective Oxide Scale on High-temperature Oxidation-resistant Nickel Alloys
Thermochemical Stability of EBC Silicates in High-temperature High-velocity Water Vapor

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