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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Fatigue in Materials: Fundamentals, Multiscale Characterizations and Computational Modeling
Presentation Title Beyond Crack Detection: Non-Destructive Methods for Early-Stage Fatigue Damage Detection
Author(s) Maryam Izadi Najafabadi, Ebad Bagherpour
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Maryam Izadi Najafabadi
Abstract Scope Most of metals failure happens because of the fatigue process which occurs in a metal that is subjected to cyclic loading over time. Early fatigue damage detection based on non-destructive testing (NDT), aids in strategizing necessary treatments, ensuring sustained performance, extended lifespan, and increased durability. This approach fosters sustainability and supports a circular economy. NDT techniques enable the detection of fatigue damage without the destruction of specimen. Techniques such as electrical resistivity and nonlinear ultrasonic testing are employed to detect these fatigue defects. The preliminary findings indicate that both electrical resistivity and nonlinear ultrasonic testing proficiently detect early-stage fatigue defects in metals. These methods reveal significant changes in three distinct regions prior to 20% of the component's fatigue life.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Sustainability, Iron and Steel, Other


A Direct Physical Approach to Characterize Fatigue Crack Growth Under Large Scale Plasticity in Stress- and Strain-Controlled Fatigue
A Fatigue Calculation Workflow Considering Effects of Microstructure and Defects
Assessment Techniques for Fatigue Damage Evolution in Composite Structures
Beyond Crack Detection: Non-Destructive Methods for Early-Stage Fatigue Damage Detection
Crack Behaviour of Hydrogen Embrittled Stainless Steel Analysed Through Thermoelasticity
Crystal Plasticity Modeling of In-Phase/Out-of-Phase Thermo-Mechanical Loading in a High Temperature Shape Memory Alloy
Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Laser Powder Bed Fused Stainless Steel 316L
Cyclic Plastic Deformation and Hardening in Additively Manufactured Ti6Al4V Materials
Deformation Mechanisms and Crack Initiation Sites in Haynes 244® Under Low-Cycle Fatigue
Effect of Carbon Concentration on LCF Properties of N105 Alloy
Effect of Residual Stress in Powder Metallurgy Hot Isostatic Pressing Process
Effect of Sensitization on Corrosion and Fatigue Response of AA5086 Weld Joints
Fatigue Assessment of Metals – Bridging Production and Performance to Ensure Component Longevity
Fatigue Crack Growth of Welded Steel Gusset Plate Joints by X-Ray Microtomography
Fatigue of Solid State Electrolytes for Lithium Ion Batteries
Fatigue Properties Versus Tunable Partially Recrystallized Heterostructures – The Case of Ultra-High Strength and Exceptional Fracture Toughness CrCoNi MPEA
Finding a Fatigue Crack in a Swiss Watch: Fatigue Cracking Kinetics, Detectability, and Defect Criticality in Miniaturized PH13-8Mo Shafts
High-Throughput Characterization of Small Crack Growth Behavior in Ti-6-4
High and Very High Cycle Fatigue Characteristics of Wire Arc Additive Manufactured and Cast Nickel Aluminum Bronze
High Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Haynes 282 Subjected to Accelerated Ageing
How Can the Non-Metallic Inclusions Distribution Lead to an Anisotropy in the Fatigue Life Durability of Forged γ/γ′ Ni-Based Disks Alloys?
Hydrogen and Metallurgical State Impact on Cyclic Creep of an Austenitic Stainless Steel
Hydrogen Impact on Cyclic Behaviour of Pure Alpha Titanium Alloy
Improved Properties of Additively Prepared Inconel 718 Alloy Post-Processed With a New Heat Treatment
In-Situ Fatigue Cracking at Room and Elevated Temperatures of a Dual-Phase High Entropy Alloy
In Situ SEM Micromechanical Testing to Assess Local Fatigue Properties in Nanostructured Metals
Insights on Dwell Debit in a Ti6Al4V Alloy: A Mesoscale Correlational Study
Investigating Fatigue Crack Nucleation in Ti Alloys Containing Micro-Texture Regions (MTR) Using Parametrically Upscaled Constitutive and Crack Nucleation Models
Investigating the Effect of Deformation Twins on Fatigue Crack Growth Rate
Isothermal and Thermomechanical Fatigue of Additively Manufactured Nickel-Based Superalloy IN939
Mesoscale Cantilever Testing of High Cycle Fatigue Crack Initiation and Short Crack Growth in Ti-6Al-4V
Microstructure-Sensitive Fatigue Modeling for Additively Manufactured Ti, Al, and Ni Alloys
Phase-Field Modeling of Fatigue Microstructures in Ni-Based Single Crystal Superalloys
Predicting TMF Life of Single-Crystal Ni-Base Superalloys Using a Probabilistic Physics-Guided Neural Network
Probing Fatigue Crack Growth and Initiation Using Microscale Specimens
Short-Time Fatigue Damage Evaluation in Thermoplastic-Based Fiber Metal Laminates
Strain Localization Near Grain and Twin Boundaries During Fatigue Studied Using In-Situ ECCI and HR-EBSD in Stainless Steel 316L
Studying Dislocation - Prior Particle Boundary Interactions in Ni-Based Superalloy From Polycrystalline Discrete Dislocation Dynamics
Synchrotron In Situ Characterization of Fatigue Crack Initiation Influenced by Intentionally Seeded Porosity in an Additively Manufactured Superalloy
Synergistic Effects of Volumetric Defect and Microstructure on Fatigue Crack Initiation in Additively Manufactured Inconel 718: Insights From Crystal Plasticity Simulations
The Impact of Microstructure on Slip Band Intensification
The Temperature Sensitivity of Titanium Dwell Fatigue: In-Situ Characterisation, Crystal Plasticity Modelling and Mechanistic Analysis
Transformation Induced Fatigue in Shape Memory Alloys
Unsupervised Learning to Cluster Fatigue Life Based on Fatigue Fracture Surfaces
Very High Cycle Fatigue Behavior of BCC Refractory Alloy C103

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