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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Mechanics and Physiological Adaptation of Hard and Soft Biomaterials and Biological Tissues
Presentation Title Sustainable Innovation – Learning From Nature’s Grippers and Stingers
Author(s) Eduard Arzt, Marc A. Meyers
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Eduard Arzt
Abstract Scope Evolution has evolved fascinating resource-efficient and sustainable materials architectures to ensure survival. Inspired by nature, micropatterning of polymeric materials has become a powerful paradigm for controlling adhesion or for optimizing penetrative objects. For adhesion, fundamental studies have demonstrated the benefit of microfibrillar architectures over non-structured contacts, inspiring innovative pick-and-place systems. But several problems remain: how do we release micro-objects with negligible mass? And how can we ensure reliability of gripping, also in demanding conditions such as in space? We have proposed a machine-learning based optical monitoring system that images the individual fibrillar contacts in operando and predicts successful handling with high accuracy, indicating, even for incomplete or off-center gripping. Similar microstructures have been engineered into delicate adhesives for skin and body organs. Further examples of bioinspiration for optimized stinger ‘design’ in nature will be presented.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Biomaterials, Sustainability, Mechanical Properties


Advances in Bone Research – 60 Years of Progress
Assessing Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation Through Multiscale Imaging and Analytics
Convergent Evolution to Engineering: Blueprints for Multifunctional Advanced Materials
Development of Novel Mechanochemically Active Hydrogels
Effects of Zinc Deficiency and Arsenic Co-Exposure on Bone in Growing Female Mice
Exploring the Effects of Disease on Teeth: Mouse Models of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Impact of Heavy Alcohol Consumption on Cortical Bone Mechanical Properties in Male Rhesus Macaques
Impact of Type 2 Diabetes on the Lacunar Canalicular Network in Cortical Bone: A Connectomic Analysis
Insights to Enhance Toughness of Human Bone Through Nanoscale Deformation and Fracture Analysis
Multi-Scale Adaptation of Bone in Health and Disease
Multi-Scale Fracture Resistance of Young Brittle Bones Treated With Bisphosphonates
Sustainable Innovation – Learning From Nature’s Grippers and Stingers
The Hierarchical Design of the Echinoid Skeletal Structure: Structural, Compositional and Crystallographic Variability in Relation to the Regional Micromechanical Function
The Osteoinductive Capacity of Demineralized Allogenic Bone Matrix is Impaired by Chronic Heavy Alcohol Consumption
Understanding Self-Sharpening Mechanism of Sea Urchin Tooth via Nanostructural and Nanomechanical Mapping
Understanding the Impact Physiologically Relevant Stressors on the Structure and Properties of Fungi
Zone-Specific Flocking of Zinc and Sulfur in the Temporomandibular Joint

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