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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Grain Boundaries, Interfaces, and Surfaces: Fundamental Structure-Property-Performance Relationships
Presentation Title Understanding Grain Boundary Properties and Transitions in Multiple Dimensions
Author(s) Jian Luo
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jian Luo
Abstract Scope Understanding and controlling grain boundaries (GBs) in 8+ dimensions – including 5 GB macroscopic degrees of freedom (DOFs), temperature, composition, and external fields – represent great opportunities and challenges. Here, deep learning was combined with atomistic simulations to predict GB properties as functions of five DOFs plus temperature and composition in a 7D space [Materials Today 2020]. Applied electric fields provide yet another dimension to alter the GB structure. We combined AC STEM, DFT calculations, and ab initio molecular dynamics to reveal an electrochemically induced GB transition that can cause enhanced or abnormal grain growth [Nature Communications 2021 & unpublished results]. Data driven prediction the GB properties as functions of four independent compositional degrees of freedoms and temperature in a 5D space for high-entropy alloys (HEAs) have been realized [Materials Horizon 2022]. More recent ongoing investigation of GBs in refractory HEAs and compositionally complex oxides will also be discussed.


Advanced (S)TEM Characterization of the Role of Interfaces and Defects during Electrochemical Cycling of Oxide Based Solid Electrolytes and Electrode Materials
Alteration of Microstructures by Stressing Surfaces and Interfaces
Atomic Structure Analysis of Inversion Domain Boundary in MgO-doped AlN
Atomistic and Gaussian Process Modeling of Solute Segregation in Metastable Grain Boundaries
Atomistic Dynamics of Deformation, Fracture and GB Migration in Oxides
Changes in the Energy of the Grain Boundary Network during Grain Growth in Polycrystals
Characteristics of Steady State and a Scale Law of Plastic Deformation
Characterizing Interface Diffusion Mechanisms in Al and Al-Si Alloys via Atomistic Simulations
Computational Modeling of Surface Segregation Dynamics in Cu-Au Alloys
Cracking in a Reacted Layer Material
E-2: Effect of Interfacial Microstructure on Tensile Property and Fracture Behaviour of Bicrystal and Polycrystal Fe/Ni Interface
E-3: Fundamentals of Recrystallization in Binary Nb-Alloys
E-4: Grain Boundary Energy Variation Related to the GBPD in Forsterite, Mg2SiO4, as a Function of Grain Size
E-5: Investigating the Relationship between Magnetic Barkhausen Noise, Microhardness, and Microstructural Development during Aging in HY-80 Steel
E-6: Mesoscale Modeling for Time Dependent Grain Boundary Evolution
E-7: Molecular Dynamics Study of the Deformation Behavior of Metallic Substrates under Shear/Vibration
E-8: Theoretical and Machine Learning Studies of Grain Boundary Segregation and Solute Drag Effects
E-9: Viscoelastic Bandgap and Thermal Transport in Inorganic-organic Nanolaminates
Effects of Interdiffusion on Cu/Ni Semi-coherent Interface Properties
Electronic Structure Engineering through Atomic-scale Strain Control In Complex Oxide Heterostructures
Elucidating the Role of Grain Boundary Networks on Grain Growth in Textured Alumina
Fundamental Structure-Property-Performance Relationships of Unidirectional Grain Boundaries, Interfaces, and Surfaces during SHS Processing
Grain-boundary Energy Variation and Evolution during Dislocation-assisted Grain-boundary Sliding in Polycrystaline Mg2SiO4 – Linking Earth and Materials Sciences
Grain Boundary Character and Relative Energy Distributions in Nanocrystalline Metallic Films
Grain Boundary Metal-insulator Transitions in Ionic Ceramics
Grain Boundary Segregation and Impedance in Dielectric Ceramics
Grain Growth Study of Strontium Titanate: Comparison between High Energy X-ray Diffraction Microscopy and Simulation
Impact of Grain Boundaries on the Dielectric Behavior of Graphite
In-situ TEM Observation on the Two Distinct Shear-coupled Migration Behaviors of One Mixed Grain Boundary
Influence of Misfit Dislocations on Oxygen Vacancy Migration at SrTiO3/BaZrO3 Heterointerfaces
Learning the Grain Boundary Solute Drag Hypersurface
Measurements of 3D Microstructures to Determine Grain Boundary Velocities in Polycrystals
Moisture Incorporation and Degradation in Dielectrics and Piezoelectrics
Multiphysics-Based Data Analytics of LiMn2O4 Particles Decrepitation
Predicting Grain Boundary States in Ferroelectrics
Simulate Grain Growth with Machine Learning Techniques
Suppression of Abnormal Grain Growth in Alumina by Grain Boundary Engineering
Surface Thermochemistry of TiO2 Doped with Alkaline Earth Metal Ions and Its Relationship with Nanostructure
The Role of Grain Boundaries in Nucleation-controlled Plasticity of Metal Nanoparticles
Understanding Grain Boundary Properties and Transitions in Multiple Dimensions
Understanding of Interface-property Relationships of Vertically Aligned Mixed Ionic Electronic Conductor-ionic Conductor Heterostructures
Vacancies and Other Grain-boundary Surfactants and Their Effect on Grain Growth

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