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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Corrosion and Environmental Degradation: Theory and Practice
Presentation Title Corrosion Behavior of As-Cast Al-Mg-Ce Alloys in 0.6 M NaCl
Author(s) Khaing Aye, Adam Thompson, Swaroop Behera, Kaustubh Rane, William Musinski, Zachary D. Harris
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Khaing Aye
Abstract Scope The objective of this study is to establish the corrosion behavior of as-cast Al-xMg-yCe alloys, where x = 2.5, 5, and 10% and y = 2, 4, and 8 % (by weight) in 0.6 M NaCl solution. The as-cast microstructure for each alloy was first assessed via backscatter electron imaging, electron backscatter diffraction, and X-ray diffraction, which established the presence of clear differences in the volume fraction and morphology of Al-Ce intermetallics across the tested alloys. The corrosion performance of each alloy was then assessed via measurement of the open-circuit potential, potentiodynamic scans, and examination of corrosion damage morphology after potentiostatic experiments. Results reveal a strong dependence of corrosion performance on alloy composition, with higher alloying contents generally resulting in more severe corrosion damage. Results are then discussed in the context of ongoing efforts to leverage alloying additions to improve corrosion performance in Al alloys exposed to marine environments.


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Dislocation Nano-Hydrides In Nickel: Energetics and Effects on the Plastic Deformation
Effect of Hydrogen Concentration on the Monotonic Deformation Behavior of Pure Nickel
Effect of Welding Condition on Hydrogen Embrittlement in Weld Joint of 316L Stainless Steel
Evaluation of Environmentally Assisted Cracking on Wire Arc Additively Manufactured (WAAM) AISI 316LSi.
High-Temperature Oxidation of Alitized Coatings Using Functionally Active Charges
In Situ Investigation of Hydrogen-Assisted Crack Initiation in Nickel-Based Alloy 725
Pit Morphologies and Crack Propagation of Stainless Steel 304H Using Representative Canister Brine Chemistries
Pitting Corrosion of Stainless Steel 304 in Concentrated MgCl2 Solution
Re-Coating Adhesion Following Laser Ablation Coating Removal of Coatings and Lead on Metal Surfaces
Recent Progress on Corrosion in Molten Salts: In Search of What Matters and What Doesn’t
Revisiting Mechanisms for Hydrogen-Assisted Fracturing of Ni-Fe-Cr Alloys
Stress Corrosion Behavior of Stainless Steel 316 and High Entropy Alloy Al0.1CrCoFeNi in a Molten NaCl-Na2SO4 Salt
Thermal Properties and CMAS Corrosion Resistance of Rare Earth Phosphates as Environmental Barrier Coatings for SiC-based Ceramic-Matrix Composites

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