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Meeting 2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Primary Aluminum Industry - Energy and Emission Reductions: An LMD Symposium in Honor of Halvor Kvande
Presentation Title Direct and Indirect CO2 Equivalent Emissions from Primary Aluminium Production
Author(s) Halvor Kvande, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, Barry Welch
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Gudrun Saevarsdottir
Abstract Scope The total global average emissions from primary aluminium production are large, about 16.5 tonnes of CO2 equivalents per tonne of aluminium produced (t CO2e/t Al). Two thirds of the total emissions arise from the source of energy used to generate electricity, because so much of the electricity for aluminium production comes from fossil sources like coal and natural gas. The present paper discusses the emissions from aluminium smelters, based on the requirement of the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) that the on-site direct and indirect emissions from all present and future smelters shall be below 8 t CO2e/t Al by 2030 or earlier. Our suggestion is to use the total mine-to-metal emission number instead, thus referring to all aluminium production processes combined. This number is what the public, and also customers and downstream users, would be more interested in. The numerical value should be changed accordingly on a science based approach.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Aluminum, Environmental Effects,


A Historical Review of Aluminum Reduction Cell Start-up and Early Operation
Direct and Indirect CO2 Equivalent Emissions from Primary Aluminium Production
Gas Recycling and Energy Recovery. Future Handling of Flue Gas from Aluminium Electrolysis Cells
Halvor Kvande: An Academic Ambassador in Aluminum Between China and Norway
Ready-to-Use Cathodes in High Amperage Technologies
Reflections on the Low Voltage Anode Effect in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells
Sampling and Analysis Methodology Review to Report Total PFC Emissions
Scale Formation in Primary Aluminium Production
The TMS Industrial Aluminum Electrolysis Course – History, Development of Contents, and Future
Vaporization of Fluorides from Aluminium Cells. Part II: Treatment of Spent Potlining in a Laboratory Furnace
Vaporization of Fluorides from Aluminium Cells. Part I: Theoretical Study on Replacement of Aluminium Fluoride and Soda

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