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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium AI/Data informatics: Tools for Accelerated Design of High-temperature Alloys
Presentation Title Advanced Data SCiENce Toolkit for Non-data Scientists (ASCENDS) - A Case Study of the Oxidation Kinetics of NiCr-based Alloys
Author(s) Jian Peng, Rishi Pillai, Marie Romedenne, Sangkeun Lee, Govindarajan Muralidharan, Bruce A. Pint, J. Allen Haynes, Dongwon Shin
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jian Peng
Abstract Scope We introduce an easy-to-use, versatile, and open-source data analytics frontend, ASCENDS (Advanced data SCiENce toolkit for Non-Data Scientists), developed to enable data-driven materials research. The toolkit can analyze the correlation between input features and target properties, train machine learning (ML) models, and make predictions with the trained surrogate models. We introduce the use of ASCENDS to predict the oxidation kinetics of NiCr-based alloys as a function of alloy chemistry and temperature. We compare two different oxidation models (a simple parabolic law and a statistical cyclic-oxidation model) to represent the high-temperature oxidation kinetics of NiCr-based alloys in dry- and wet-air within the context of data analytics. Understanding the oxidation characteristics correlated with the features will support and promote new alloy development with further improved performance. This research was sponsored by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Vehicle Technologies Office, Propulsion Materials Program.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords High-Temperature Materials, Machine Learning, Computational Materials Science & Engineering


Advanced Data SCiENce Toolkit for Non-data Scientists (ASCENDS) - A Case Study of the Oxidation Kinetics of NiCr-based Alloys
Coupling of Data Mining, Thermodynamics and Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms for the Design of High-temperature Alloys
Determining Solute Site Preference and Correlations to Antiphase Boundary Energy in Ni-based Superalloys
Domain and Uncertainty Quantification in Machine Learning Models of Alloy Properties
Domain Knowledge-informed, Process-mapping AI Graph for Designing Fe-based Alloys
Elastic Properties Machine-learning-based Descriptor for a Refractory High Entropy Alloy
Expanding Materials Selection via Transfer Learning for High-temperature Oxide Selection
Exploring the Compositional Space of High Entropy Alloys via Sequential Learning
Knowledge-driven Platform for Federated Multimodal Big Data Storage & Analytics
Machine Learning Augmented Predictive & Generative Models for Rupture Life in High Temperature Alloys
Optimal Design of High-temperature, Oxidation-resistant Complex Concentrated Alloys
Predicting Vibrational Entropy of FCC Solids Uniquely from Bond Chemistry Using Machine Learning
Predicting Yield Stress of High Temperature Alloys via Computer Vision and Machine Learning
Revealing Nanoscale Features Controlling Diffusion Within Multi-component Alloys through Machine Learning
Toward High Throughput Design and Development of Multi-principal Element Alloys for Corrosion and Oxidation Resistance (MPEAs)
Uncertainty Quantification for Thermo-mechanical Behavior of Aircraft Engine Materials in Elevated Temperatures
Uncertainty Reduction for Calculated Phase Equilibria

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