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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Use of Large Scale Facilities to Understand the Physical Metallurgy of Fe-based Alloys
Presentation Title Carbon Heterogeneities in Austenite during Quenching & Partitioning (Q&P) Process Revealed by In Situ High Energy X-ray Diffraction (HEXRD) Experiments
Author(s) Guillaume Geandier, Sebastien Y.P. Allain, Steve Gaudez, Frederic Danoix, Michel Soler, Mohamed Goune
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Guillaume Geandier
Abstract Scope Based on the evolution of the positions and intensities of the diffraction peaks, high energy X-ray diffraction (HEXRD) is recognized as the ultimate method to follow quantitatively in situ phase transformations in steels. However, the possible asymmetricity of diffraction peaks is seldom considered, and is here shown to bear information. A procedure for quantifying their skewness is proposed. In the case of a model third generation high strength steels obtained by quench and partitioning (Q&P), the skewness is shown to be due to carbon heterogeneities at austenite/martensite interfaces, in agreement with prior post mortem atom probe tomography (APT) investigations.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


Carbide-free Bainite Transformations in Non-isothermal Conditions Investigated by In-situ High-energy X-ray Diffraction Experiments
Carbon Heterogeneities in Austenite during Quenching & Partitioning (Q&P) Process Revealed by In Situ High Energy X-ray Diffraction (HEXRD) Experiments
HEXRD and SAXS to Unveil the Dynamics of Phase Transformation in Steels: From Carbide-free Bainite To Mapping of Compositionally Graded Samples
In-situ Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Stress Analysis during Laser Surface Line Hardening of Samples with Specific Geometric Features
In situ HEXRD Determination and Numerical Simulation of Internal Stresses during HeatTtreatment of Carburized and Carbonitrided Low-alloyed Steels
In situ Quantitative Study of Retained Austenite Mechanical Stability in 3rd Generation TRIP-aided Steels by High-Energy X-ray Diffraction on Synchrotron Beamline
Microstructure Evolution and Phase Transformations during Deformation of Metastable Austenitic CrMnNi Steel as Revealed by In situ Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Diffraction
Nucleation and Evolution of Sigma Phase and Nitrides during Heat Treatment and Welding of Duplex Stainless Steels
Precipitation Kinetics and Chemistry Evolution of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steels throughout their Consolidation Process Evaluated by In-situ Anomalous Small-angle X-ray Scattering
Real-time Investigation of Recovery, Recrystallization and Austenite Transformation during Annealing of a Cold-rolled Steel Using High Energy X-ray Diffraction (HEXRD)
Stress Tensor Determination during Phase Transformation of a Metal Matrix Composite using In situ High Energy X-ray Diffraction

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