About this Abstract |
Meeting |
2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Advances in Titanium Technology
Presentation Title |
β-titanium bcc-superalloys with Reinforcement by β' Ordered bcc TiFe Precipitates |
Author(s) |
Paraic O'Kelly, Alexander J Knowles |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Paraic O'Kelly |
Abstract Scope |
The design and development of precipitate reinforced refractory-metal-based alloys has demonstrated the possibility of β-β' bcc-superalloys as a new class of high temperature materials. β-Ti alloys do not typically employ intermetallics reinforcement as in other high temperature alloys. Specifically, additions of Fe, a low cost β-Ti stabiliser, promotes formation of an ordered-bcc intermetallic phase, β' TiFe, offering a dual phase β-β' field yet to be widely exploited. However, key uncertainties exist in the base Ti-Fe binary. This current research evaluates ordered-bcc β' superlattice structures precipitated within a disordered-bcc β-Ti matrix matrix induced through varied heat treatment strategies. The optimised alloys reveal new insights into phase equilibria at near eutectoid temperatures in the purported dual phase field, where a complex interplay between β-Ti, β'-TiFe, α-Ti and ω has been found to exist. Preliminary investigation of mechanical properties have proven attractive, and further study is warranted to address ductility and oxidation performance. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Planned: |
Keywords |
Titanium, High-Temperature Materials, Phase Transformations |