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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advanced Joining Technologies for Automotive Lightweight Structures
Presentation Title Simultaneous Joining and Forging of a Lightweight Structural Component by Electrically Assisted Pressure Joining
Author(s) Thanh Thuong Do, Van Cong Phan, Hyun Bae Jang, Moon-Jo Kim, Sung Tae Hong
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Thanh Thuong Do
Abstract Scope The present study investigates the feasibility of simultaneous electrically assisted pressure joining (EAPJ) and forging of a lightweight structural component from dissimilar aluminum alloys. Electrodes, which also act as a pair of closed-forging dies, are designed to accommodate the target geometry. Then, compressive displacement and pulsed electric current are applied to the workpieces to induce plastic deformation and resistance heating. During EAPJ, the temperature is increased to a preset joining temperature (below the melting point) and is maintained under high pressure to create solid-state bonding by diffusion. In the meantime, the interface area is deformed and fills the electrode cavity to create the joint with the designed geometry. As a result, two dissimilar aluminum alloys are successfully joined at solid state, while a target geometry is formed in a unified process. The effectiveness of EAPJ-forging joint is evaluated by means of microstructural analysis and mechanical testing.


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Simultaneous Joining and Forging of a Lightweight Structural Component by Electrically Assisted Pressure Joining

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