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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium ACerS-ECerS Joint Symposium - Emerging Ceramic Technologies; Challenges and Future Prospects
Presentation Title Ceramics and Computing: Modelling, Informatics, Machine Learning and Computational Materials Science
Author(s) David Stanley Smith
On-Site Speaker (Planned) David Stanley Smith
Abstract Scope Computing in ceramics. Ceramics in computing. The aim of this paper is to explore the intimate relation linking ceramic science and technology with computing. Starting from a historical perspective, four different aspects will be examined: - Instrumentation, - Modelling, - Process control, - Machine learning. In particular, examples giving a European perspective are chosen. Finally future developments and prospects will be considered.


Advanced Ceramics and Composites for Nuclear Energy – Challenges and Future Prospect
Advanced Microscopy and Data Analysis in Electronic Ceramic Research and Development
Ceramics and Computing: Modelling, Informatics, Machine Learning and Computational Materials Science
Ceramics in Higher Education Nowadays: New Pedagogical Formats Searching a Balance Between Material and Immaterial
Colloidal Processing as an Effective Tool for Manufacturing Functional Ceramics with Enhanced Properties
Dense Powder Beds for AM of Ceramics
Industrial Refractory Ceramics: Challenges, Innovation and Visioneering
Introductory Comments: ACerS-ECerS Joint Symposium - Emerging Ceramic Technologies; Challenges and Future Prospects
Nanochemical Approaches to Materials for Energy and Health Applications
Transformation-induced Plasticity in Ceria-doped Zirconia Composites: Towards Ductile and Shape-memory Ceramics

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