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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Application of ICME Methods to Advance Sustainable Metallurgy and Metals Processing
Presentation Title Application of ICME Methods in Aerospace Applications
Author(s) Vasisht Venkatesh, David Furrer, Sergei Burlatsky, Masoud Anahid, Manish Kamal, Max Kaplan
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Vasisht Venkatesh
Abstract Scope Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) is a powerful approach that combines materials models across multiple scales to design products, materials, manufacturing processes and quality requirements. ICME enables the fast development of materials and processes tailored for specific applications by quantifying the complex interaction between processing, structure and design properties. Model based materials engineering workflows enable efficient exploration of design and manufacturing space to deliver products more efficiently with respect to cost, weight, performance, and qualification. These multi-disciplinary computational approaches that utilize physics-based, quantitative Process-Structure-Property-Performance (PSPP) relationships are being developed and implemented to meet the increasing demands of next generation high performance aircraft and propulsion system requirements. This presentation will review examples of industrial ICME frameworks for component design that utilizes validated modeling tools that have been developed to support location-specific component designs.


A Thermodynamic Analysis of Red Mud Usage for Sustainable Iron and Steel Production
Application of CALPHAD-Based Tools to Develop More Sustainable Alloys and Processing Methods
Application of ICME Methods in Aerospace Applications
CALPHAD Simulations to Assist Sustainable Metal Processing
Green Ironmaking via Ammonia-Based Direct Reduction of Iron Ores
ICME Approaches Towards Sustainable Metal Additive Manufacturing
N-7: Validation of the Coupled Random Cellular Automata Finite Element Model of Dynamic Recrystallization
Pathways for Decarbonizing Steel
Quantifying Pyrometallurgy Process Options with Low-Dimensional Models
Scheil-Gulliver Constituent Diagrams for Designing Recycled Al-Alloys
The Road to Sustainable Steelmaking Technologies: Linking Fundamental and Applied Research Activities

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