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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Equipment, Instrumentation and In-Situ Process Monitoring
Presentation Title A Low-Cost Laser Beam Profile Measurement Technique for High-Power Lasers Used in Metal Manufacturing Processes
Author(s) Aslan Bafahm Alamdari, Sizhe Xu, Enam Chowdhury, Sarah Wolff, Aine Fitzgerald
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Aslan Bafahm Alamdari
Abstract Scope A novel low-cost optical setup has been designed and built to measure the beam profile intensity distribution of industrial high-power lasers that are widely used in metal additive manufacturing, welding, and cutting processes. The power of these lasers can get up to 2000 Watts which makes it a challenge for performing measurements. An optical system containing a series of reflective and absorptive neutral density (ND) filters was utilized to attenuate the laser beam while the excess amount of the laser power was directed onto a beam trap. The beam profile of the attenuated laser was measured using a camera to obtain beam diameter and intensity distribution. This new method provides valuable information on understanding the laser-material interaction.


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A Low-Cost Laser Beam Profile Measurement Technique for High-Power Lasers Used in Metal Manufacturing Processes
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Melt Pool Thermal Imaging on Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing Using the Two-Color Method with a Commercial Color Camera
Phase and Stress Manipulation via Operando Multispectral Infrared, Digital Image Correlation, and Neutron Diffraction
Process Informed Surface Topography Measurements for Thermal-Based Over Melting Prediction
Semantic Segmentation and Spreading Anomaly Identification of Binder Jet In-Situ Images
Using Photothermal Radiometry and Lock-In Thermography to Rapidly Screening Thermal Property and Characterizing Microstructure of Advanced and Additive Manufacturing Components

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