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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advances in Multi-Principal Element Alloys III: Mechanical Behavior
Presentation Title The Effect of Atomic Configurations on the Stacking Fault Energy of the FCC Matrix Phase in FeNiMoW
Author(s) Sarah E. O'Brien, Matthew J Beck
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Sarah E. O'Brien
Abstract Scope The equiatomic multi-principal element alloy (MPEA) FeNiMoW demonstrates a unique self-sharpening property due adiabatic shear banding in a soft FCC matrix phase with nominal composition Fe<sub>40</sub>Ni<sub>40</sub>Mo<sub>16</sub>W<sub>4</sub>. Understanding and modeling this novel mechanical behavior requires determination of the single phase structure and properties of the FCC matrix, including determination of fundamental properties relevant to dislocation motion. Here we report results of DFT calculations of the stacking fault energy (SFE) in FCC Fe<sub>40</sub>Ni<sub>40</sub>Mo<sub>16</sub>W<sub>4</sub> with a range of atomic configurations. SFEs varied by up to 100 mJ/m<sup>2</sup> among different configurations, likely due to changes in local nearest neighbor chemistry. Specifically, we present evidence that the electronegativity difference between the alloying elements plays a primary role in influencing stacking fault energies, with lattice distortion due to atomic radius acting as a secondary influence.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Computational Materials Science & Engineering, High-Entropy Alloys, Mechanical Properties


A Bayesian Approach to Explore Large Dimensional Compositionally Complex Alloy Spaces
A Dual-phase Alloy with Ultrahigh Strength-ductility Synergy Over a Wide Temperature Range
A First-principles Study of Calculation Parameters Affecting Diffusion and Creep Activation Energy in the CoCrNi Medium-entropy Alloy
A High-performance Alloy Design Map for the Ni-Co-Cr Alloy System
A Path to the Strongest Single-phase Multi-principal Element Alloy Design
Ab Initio Study of Screw Dislocation Core Structure and Energy Landscape in bcc Nb-Ta-Ti-Hf High-entropy Alloys
Absence of Equilibrium B2 Phase in Three Al-Nb-Ta-Ti- Zr Refractory High-entropy Alloys Above 700°C
Atomistic Simulation Study on the Short-range Chemical Ordering and Dislocation Behaviors in the Refractory NbTaTiV High-Entropy Alloy
Characterizing Deformation Behavior in a BCC+B2 Fe75Al15Ni10 Alloy to Better Understand Deformation in BCC+B2 Multi-Phase Refractory Complex Concentrated Alloys
Chemical Core-shell Metastability-induced Large Ductility in a Medium-entropy Managing Alloy
Combinatorial and High-throughput Methodology for MPEA Discovery and Design
Competition between 110 and 112 Slip in BCC High Entropy Alloys
Comprehensive Evaluation of Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni High-Entropy Alloys via Composition and Structural Analysis – Atomistic Simulations and Data Analytics
Constituent Phase Assessment of Composition Interspace between a MnFeCoNiCu Alloy and Nickel Alloy 738LC by Synchrotron XRD
Creep-resistant Refractory High-entropy Alloy NbTaTiV for High-temperature Applications
Creep Behavior at Elevated Temperatures of Multiphase FeNiMnAlCr High Entropy Alloys
D-10: Microstructural Analysis of MoNbZrTiV Refractory High-Entropy Alloy Developed via High-energy Mechanical Alloying
D-11: Elucidating the Tensile Properties in Ni-containing Medium-Mn Steel from the Perspective of Microstructure and Microtexture Evolution
D-12: Enhancing the Mechanical Properties of C-doped NiCoCr Medium-entropy Alloy by Utilizing Features of Laser-powder Bed Fusion Process
D-13: High-throughput Fabrication of Refractory High-entropy Alloys
D-14: High and Moderate Temperature Deformation Modeling of High Entropy Alloys
D-15: Hot Deformation Behavior of Non-equiatomic MnFeCoNiCu Alloy
D-16: Innovative Engineering to Create Massively Low-energy Interfaced Metastable High Entropy Alloys via Multi-directional Forging
D-17: Mechanical Properties and Deformation Mechanisms of Additive Manufactured CoCrNi and SS316L at 20K
D-18: Mechanical Properties of Multi-principal Element Alloys with Low Young’s Modulus for Biomedical Applications
D-19: Microstructural Templating of HEAs: Deformation Processing of Hierarchical Structures
D-1: Enhancing Mechanical Properties of a Medium-Entropy Alloy by Regulating Mo Addition
D-20: Oxygen-induced Hierarchical Heterogeneities and Enhanced Hardness in RMPEAs
D-21: Temperature Dependent Deformation in Single Crystalline MoNbTi
D-22: Physics Informed Machine Learning Model for Predicting Mixing Enthalpy of Multi Principal Element Alloys
D-23: Thermo-mechanical Behavior of HEA Alloys Containing Interdendritic MC Carbides
D-2: Control of Microstructure and Mechanical Response by Filler Material Selection In Gas Metal Arc Welding of CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloys
D-3: Correlated Lattice Distortion and Vacancy Formation Energies in Multi-principal Element Alloys from DFT and Machine Learning
D-4: Dependence on Their Mn and Cr Contents of the Microstructures, Melting Range and High Temperature Creep Behaviors of Cantor’s Alloy and Versions Strengthened by MC Carbides
D-5: Development of Light Weight High Entropy Alloys with Improved Strength and Ductility for Structural Applications
D-6: Dual-precipitation Strengthening of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy by Al and Nd Co-doping
D-7: Dynamic Mechanical Performance of FeNiCoAl-based High-entropy Alloy: Enhancement via Microbands and Martensitic Transformation
D-8: Effect of C Addition on Microstructure and Tensile Properties of CrFeNi2Al0.3Ti0.1 High-entropy Alloys
D-9: Effects of Titanium and Molybdenum Additions on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy
Decision Science-driven Selection of Competitor Refractory Multi-principal Element Alloys to Benchmark Superalloys at Various Temperature Profiles for Jet Engines in Aerospace
Deformation Induced Transformation in Metastability Engineered Alloys
Deformation Mechanisms and Activation Parameters in Refractory Multi-principal Element Alloy Micropillars Across the Temperature Spectrum: from Cryogenic to High-temperature
Deformation Substructures in a Multi-component bcc Refractory Alloy Encompassing Inverse Superalloy-like Microstructure with Disordered Precipitates in a Continuous Ordered Matrix: Cause of Brittleness and Mitigation Prospects
Design and Testing of Castable Co-free Multi-principal Element Alloy for Extreme Environment Application Using Automated CALPHAD Approaches
Design Metastability in High-entropy Alloys by Tailoring Unstable Fault Energies
Design of BCC – B2 Refractory Multi-principal Element Alloys
Design of High Entropy Alloys with Property Trade-offs through Unsupervised Data Driven Approaches
Development of an Alloys Design Platform for High-performance Refractory High-entropy Alloys Using an Experimentally Driven High-throughput Technique
Development of Hierarchical ODS High Entropy Alloys Guided by ICME
Diffusion in High Entropy Alloys
Dislocation Properties in BCC NbMoTaW Alloy
Effect of In-situ TiC Particles on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nb-Ta-V-Ti High Entropy Alloys
Effect of Silicon Addition on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure Evolution of FeMnCoCr High Entropy Alloy
Effects of Al and V on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of CoCuFeNi High Entropy Alloy
Effects of Node Modification on Mechanical Properties of Periodic Micro-architectured Lattices
Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline High-entropy Alloys with High Strength and Thermal Stability
Enhancing Fatigue Life by Ductile-transformable Multicomponent B2 Precipitates in a High-entropy Alloy
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties and Serration Deformation Mechanisms at 20K
Fracture of Refractory High Entropy Alloys in Extreme Temperature Environments
Heterostructured High Entropy Alloys: A Perspective
High-entropy Effects on Phase Transformation Behavior of CuNiTiHfZr High-entropy Shape Memory Alloys
High-temperature Service Performance and Microstructure Evolution of a Nb45Ta25Ti15Hf15 Refractory High-entropy Alloy
High Entropy Alloys and NSF
Impact of Co and Fe Substitutions on Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Characteristics of Quaternary Equiatomic High-entropy Alloys
Improved Resistance to Grain Growth In Multi Principal Element Alloys
In-operando Observation of Twinning Mechanism in a High-entropy Alloy
In-situ Mapping for Diffusion Investigations and the Associated Vacancies & Creep Activities in High Entropy Alloys
Informatics Driven ICME for Multicomponent Alloy Design
Investigating Alloying Effect on Dislocation Mechanisms in Multi-principal Element Alloys
Light-weight Low-cost Compositionally Complex Alloys – Design and Discovery
Magnificent Tensile Strength and Ductility Synergy in a NiCoCr-based High-entropy Alloy at Elevated Temperatures
Mechanical Behaviour of a Low-SFE FCC Ternary Medium Entropy Alloy Subjected to High Pressure Torsion
Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured GRX-810 Alloy from Cryogenic to Elevated Temperatures
Mechanical Properties of Re Modulated Refractory NbMoTaW High-entropy Alloy Thin Films
Metastability High Entropy Alloy Design
Microstructure and Properties of Refractory Compositionally Complex Alloys: A Thermodynamic Perspective
Microstructures and Properties of AlCrFeMnV, AlCrFeTiV, and AlCrMnTiV High-entropy Alloys
Mining Lattice Distortion, Strength, and Intrinsic Ductility of Refractory High-entropy Alloys
Modeling and Analysis of the Extreme Process Conditions during the Fabrication of High-entropy Alloys by Shear Assisted Processing and Extrusion (ShAPE)
Modeling Distribution of Local Chemical Fluctuations in Refractory High Entropy Alloys to Improve Ductility Prediction Accuracy
Negative Stacking Fault Energy in Medium to High Entropy Alloys -Its Implications
Novel Lightweight CoCrNiAlSi Medium-entropy Alloys with High Strength and Ductility
On the Damage Tolerance of TRIP, TWIP and Dual-phase High-entropy Alloys
On the Fracture Toughness of High-entropy Alloys: bcc vs. fcc
Optimization of Conflicting Properties through Tailored Compositional Complexity in Refractory High Entropy Alloys
Orientation Dependence of the Effect of Short-range Ordering on the Plastic Deformation of a Medium Entropy Alloy
Phase-Specific Damage Tolerance of a Eutectic High Entropy Alloy
Phase Transformation and Deformation Behavior in a B2-base High-entropy Alloy
Plasticity-induced Local Heating in High Entropy Alloys (HEAs)
Predicting the Strength of Multi-principal Element Alloys: A Mechanistic Data-driven Approach
Refractory Alloys with Ru-based B2 Precipitation-strengthened Microstructures
Role of Formation and Dissolution of Brittle Sigma Phase on Mechanical Behavior of Ni46Al12Co18Cr8Fe12Mo4 High Entropy Alloy Synthesized via Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering
Single Defect-driven Deformation Mechanism in VCoNi Medium-entropy Alloy at 15 K
Solution Thermodynamics Guided Tuning of Local Chemical Ordering in High Entropy Alloys: Breaking the Strength-ductility Compromise
Structure and Phase Characterizations of Refractory High-entropy Alloying Nanoparticles Synthesized Using Femtosecond Laser Ablation
Study on Corrosion Resistance of Aluminium-doped CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloy
Tensile and Fracture Toughness Behavior of Refractory High-entropy Alloys at Temperatures from Ambient to 1200°C
The Effect of Atomic Configurations on the Stacking Fault Energy of the FCC Matrix Phase in FeNiMoW
The Impact of Compositional Variations on Microstructure and Nanomechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured AlCuFeNiTi High Entropy Alloy
The Precipitated Strengthening of Eta Phase on the Non-equimolar CoCrNiTi Medium-entropy Alloys
Twinning-controlled Deformation Behavior of a MoReW Equimolar Alloy
TWIP/TRIP CoCrFeMnNi Multi-principal Element Alloys Examined by In-situ Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction
Ultra-High Temperature Mechanical Testing Above 1200°C
Ultrahigh Temperature Tensile and Creep Strength of Multi-principal Element Alloys
Understanding the Deformation Mechanism of an FCC Multi-principal Element Alloy via Nanoindentation
Unraveling Mechanistic Competition during Deformation of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloys

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