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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium 2020 Light Metals Keynote Session
Presentation Title Talent Acquisition and Development from a Hatch Perspective
Author(s) Joe H. Lombard
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Joe H. Lombard
Abstract Scope In order to keep attracting talented young people into our industry, we must stay relevant and innovative. There is much competition between industries for a limited size pool of young people that enter the technical field, in specific mining and metals. In this keynote we share how we at Hatch see this and what steps we take to keep attracting the best talents into our industry.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided
Keywords Biomaterials,


Feeding the Talent Pipeline: A New Zealand Perspective on Diversity in STEM
Strong Leaders, Strong Companies: A Structure to Create Your Future
Talent Acquisition and Development from a Hatch Perspective
The Future of Light Metals Technology and Education: Opportunities and Challenges
The Norwegian Perspective

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