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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Dilute Alloying and Impurity Effects on Phase Transformations
Presentation Title Effects of Dilute Phosphorus Alloying on Phase Transformations in the Fe-Ni System
Author(s) Ugochukwu Ochieze, Matthew A. Steiner
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Matthew A. Steiner
Abstract Scope While the equilibrium phase diagram of Fe-Ni is well established due to unique behavior around the 36% Ni “Invar” composition, the effects of non-metal impurities have received less attention due to their typically deleterious impact on the stability of Invar-type alloys. As part of an effort to develop processing routes for Fe-Ni-P magnetic materials, a potential replacement for rare-earth permanent magnets, it is important to understand the impact of dilute (< 1 at%) P additions on the equilibrium low-temperature phase fields of the Fe-Ni system. The limited experimental data currently available for Fe-Ni-P alloys is largely from over half a century ago and focuses on the larger P additions and Ni-lean compositions relevant to astrogeology. Characterization of a matrix of Fe-Ni-P alloy compositions as a function of temperature will be presented alongside CALPHAD thermodynamic modeling to better establish the ternary diagram phase behavior in the dilute P regime.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Phase Transformations,


Effect of silicon addition on the stability and precipitation of delta phase in Inconel 718 and associated mechanical Properties
Effects of Dilute Phosphorus Alloying on Phase Transformations in the Fe-Ni System
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