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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium REWAS 2025: Sustainable End-of-Life Management and Recycling Solutions for Batteries, Wind Turbines, and Photovoltaics
Presentation Title Re-Use of Wind Turbine Blades as Pedestrian Bridges in Beaverbrook Park
Author(s) Cayleigh Nicholson, Gabriel Ackall, W. Jud Ready, Russell Gentry
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Cayleigh Nicholson
Abstract Scope "The Woods Trail" is a walking trail extension in Beaverbrook Park, Atlanta, Georgia. The 500 ft. long loop trail includes two ~30 ft. long pedestrian bridges across a small tributary to Peachtree Creek that are formed from decommissioned wind turbine blades. The bridges are connected with a boardwalk of composite treads made from recycled polymeric materials. The effort is designed via students and faculty participating in the Re-Wind Network and is funded with a grant from Park Pride and the City of Atlanta. Community volunteers and scouts participated in the right-of-way clearing and other pre-construction activities. The Re-Wind Network is a network of faculty, staff and students at five academic institutions - Georgia Institute of Technology, University College Cork, Queen’s University Belfast, City University of New York and Munster Technological University - and industry affiliates. More information, including design catalogues is available at
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Composites, Environmental Effects,


A Separation-Free and Purification-Free Method for Direct Production of Lithium-Rich Solution from Industrial-Grade Lithium-Ion Battery Waste
Advancing Circular Economy: Copper Recovery from E-Waste at Aurubis' New US Facility
Barriers and Opportunities for Recycling Wind Turbine Blades in the United States
D-46: A Preliminary Study on the Recycling of Oxide-Based Solid-State Electrolytes
D-47: Assessing Circular Economy in Photovoltaics: Life Cycle Perspective of Material Recovery, Reuse, and Remanufacturing
D-48: Enhancing Graphite Flotation Efficiency in the Presence of PVDF Binder via Surface Modifications by Ultrasound and UV Irradiation
D-49: Pilot-Scale Hydrometallurgical Recycling of NMC Blackmass
D-50: Solubilities of Lithium, Nickel, and Cobalt Oxides in Deep Eutectic Solvents
D-51: Solvo-Metallurgical Process for the Extraction of Lithium from End-of-Life Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion Batteries
D-52: Supply Risk Aware Alloy Discovery and Design
Decommissioning, Characterization and Proposed Recycling Route of a Used Na-ZnCl2 Battery Cell
End-of-Life Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries in India
Evaluating the Use of Wind Blade Residue and Recycled Aggregate in Low-Strength Concrete
Formation and Stability of Hydrides During Hydrogenation of NdFeB Magnets
Leaching Studies of LiCoO2 Cathode Powder in Phosphoric Acid Medium
Opportunities and Challenges in Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling: Emphasis on Pretreatment and Pyrometallurgical Processing
Optimizing Early-Stage Lithium Recovery: Investigating Oxalic Acid Leaching of Black Mass from End-of-Life NMC 622 Batteries
Photovoltaic Waste Management: Technologies and Strategies to Recycle c-Si and CI(G)S PV Waste
Re-Use of Wind Turbine Blades as Pedestrian Bridges in Beaverbrook Park
Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries Cathode Material Using Supercritical Fluid Extraction
Recycling of Raw-Crushed Wind-Turbine Blade for Concrete Production: Mechanical and Durability Performance
Recycling of Solar Wafers Through Acid Leaching and Vacuum Refining
Reductive Leaching Investigation of Li-NMC Cathode Material Related to Spent Battery Recycling
Reductive Leaching of Cathode Active Material from Li-Ion Batteries and Recovery of Copper Reductant
Reviews and Perspectives: Selective Leaching—A Promising Approach for Recycling Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries
Sustainable Route for Nd Recycling from End-of-Life NdFeB Magnet Using a Deep Eutectic Solvent
Synergistic Processing of Mixed LFP-NMC Black Mass for Improved Recycling Operations
Upcycling Spent Battery Cathodes into Steel with Green Hydrogen

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